
If you have body odor in summer, take it easy and help you deal with it easily.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What happens to others is called a story, and what happens to oneself is an "accident". Until today, I finally have the courage to face this problem, open my heart and share my journey with you, because my child has finally got rid of the nightmare.

What happens to others is called a story, and what happens to oneself is an "accident".

Until today, I finally have the courage to face this problem, open my heart and share my journey with you, because my child has finally got rid of the nightmare body odor.

The memory of growing up is full of depression and inferiority!

The reason why I always thought I loved to play and sweated even though I could smell something strange. This "special" smell is with me. I didn't know I had body odor until the third year of junior high school.

I remember clearly that day, my deskmate said loudly in front of the whole class: "she smells so bad that I can't concentrate on my studies in class." . It was like a bolt from the blue. I wanted to find a crack in the ground. Crying home to my parents, my mother silently turned around and said it was all my fault. Your father and I saved money to take you into surgery. In short, we will not let you be aggrieved. It is since then, the character has become more and more inferiority, do not dare to play with classmates, in the class also try not to raise the arm, afraid to do strenuous exercise, because a lift arm or exercise will have a great smell to jump out.

Looking forward to the summer vacation finally coming, I went to a so-called big hospital in the provincial capital with the patchwork of 5000 with my parents. Unexpectedly, it relapsed in the summer vacation of the second year of senior high school. Crying and screaming with parents, but this is of no avail, parents do not want their children to suffer a little grievance, they want to contract all my pain. From then on, no matter how hot it was in summer, it was a long-sleeved coat. I always thought it could cover not only the smell, but also the ugly scar on my body.

Secretly called "fox spirit" and "stinky bug", he was rejected by people around him "three meters away" wherever he went. During the four years of college, there was not a single male pursuit, and the boys who had a crush on me did not even look at me, and they were even looked down upon when they graduated to apply for a job. Body odor blocks my due happiness and my due future. To tell you the truth, I would rather live 10 years less than live under the contempt of others all my life. I even want to commit suicide to end it all.

Marriage is purgatory to me!

After I finally went to work, I saved money for a sweat gland excision, and I couldn't smell anything under my armpit. So that later, when I met the one, I naturally hid the secret of body odor.

But people are not as good as heaven, body odor has relapsed again after 4 months of pregnancy, and the smell of armpits, breasts and perineum is like crazy, and it can't be covered by desperately taking a bath. What surprised me was that my husband was having an affair, and what was even weirder was that his parents worried that I would pass on body odor to their children and went so far as to drive from northern Jiangsu to Shanghai, forcing me to divorce my husband.

After endless quarrels and cold war, I was so exhausted that I chose to divorce. A single woman, children become my whole life. I always feel that children lack fatherly love and try their best to make up for it. Every day neurotic to smell everything about the child, in short, any smell related to the child can not be let go. What worried me happened, and the child showed up with oil. The kid also inherited my body odor... To tell the truth, I panicked at the thought that my child was about to face the isolation and indifference of the people around me. I couldn't get him to repeat my life and bear a little more hurt. I was determined to find a way to really say goodbye to body odor. It wasn't until I met customer service that the nightmare went away.

It's all in vain to try the medicine!

As a victim of body odor surgery, I strongly oppose apocrine gland surgery. Recurrence plus two centipede-like scars under the armpit will last a lifetime. X's fox smelly net, X, antiperspirant XX pure flavor dew, old Chinese medicine prescription XX, this kind of products common on the market have been tried all over, no matter how magical the advertisement is, I dare not give it to my children. Testing drugs at a young age has proved that these untechnological products are either ineffective or will not matter as soon as they are discontinued. Spend money for nothing, make your armpits dry, itchy, allergic, blackened, and fester. I have completely lost confidence in these cheap products of small brands.

By chance, I saw this product when I was browsing on moments: my friend used the product of Shirouli Zhibang Foxstink Clean Fragrance. I didn't think so at first, until a few months later, my best friend recommended this product to me. I thought it looked so familiar to me. Since I all recommended it, I took my best friend's mobile phone and brushed the customer service circle of Shirouli Zhibang Foxstodorous Fragrance customer Service. Really a lot of successful cases to share!

At that time, the mood was like grasping a lifesaver and immediately adding customer service Wechat. I was a little skeptical at first. Through understanding, it is found that this Shirou Zhibang fox odor pure fragrance has a Wechat service team. After communicating with customer service and inquiring about the authenticity of this product on China's National Drug Administration website, I began to believe it. As a result, the customer service was told the situation of me and the children in detail, and a targeted rehabilitation plan was developed for my situation.

Seeing is believing the effect is really the right choice this time!

According to my years of experience, there are several misunderstandings in body odor products. 1, the recurrence of body odor products is high. 2. The high rate of allergy is a common phenomenon. Whether it can be improved or not can be seen only after it has been suspended for half a year. Personal verification, benevolence and this product is no problem!

If I got the treasure, I used the method recommended by customer service at the first time. Big brand products are different, wood private packaging, easy to use, without any flavor. When the child takes a bath every day, smear it under the armpit and rinse it with water. After using it for a week or two, I obviously feel that the sweat is less, the oily sticky things are gone, and the armpit is very refreshing every day. The child has been using it for more than half a year without any discomfort. Beyond imagination, the armpits will still sweat normally, but the amount of sweat is about the same as that of normal people, and the key is that there are no yellowish-brown secretions and odors under the armpits. If you simply smear according to the instructions every day, you can live like a normal person, which is so exciting!

I'm not afraid of your jokes. Now I still smell him when I pick him up at school. It's really tasteless. I was still worried, and it was not until half a year later that the child's oil ears were gone, and I was really convinced.

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