
Aunt Liu raised green pineapple and watered this kind of water every day. The leaves were greenish and new.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sometimes seemingly easy to raise potted flowers, the more likely to ignore some of the details of maintenance, leading to a variety of problems. For example, the most common ornamental leaf plant, green pineapple. This kind of potted plant can be said to be raised by every household, and some people.

Sometimes seemingly easy to raise potted flowers, the more likely to ignore some of the details of maintenance, leading to a variety of problems. For example, the most common ornamental leaf plant, green pineapple. This kind of potted plant can be said to be raised by every household, some people raise green all the year round, while some flower friends keep green rots with yellow leaves and rotten roots.

In fact, there are skills to raise green pineapple well. Next, I would like to share the tips of Aunt Liu Lu Luo. A few days ago, when I was chatting at the mouth of the hutong, I heard Aunt Liu say that her green apple had gone crazy and the balcony could not fit. I asked how to raise, spray nutrient solution? And her answer made me ashamed!

Aunt Liu raises green pineapple, the trick is to use this kind of "water" to water it every day. Well, regret knowing it's too late.

Take the leftover water from Amoy rice every day to water the green pineapple, why can it grow more and more prosperous? In fact, we can know by studying the growth habits of rice water and green pineapple. Green pineapple likes the warm and humid environment, the soil is moist, and the slightly acidic basin soil is the most suitable. And Amoy rice water is rich in trace elements, when fermented, its liquid PH value is relatively low, that is, acidic.

Every time it is poured into the basin of green pineapple, the root system will quickly absorb nutrients, coupled with the regulation of soil pH, which is naturally conducive to the growth of green pineapple.

In particular, the northern flower friends raise green pineapple, generally the soil in the north is slightly alkaline, which is not conducive to the growth of acidic flowers. In addition to green apple, gardenia, camellia and jasmine are all sour, so it is most appropriate to pour some rice water. It will grow more and more prosperous.

It is also fastidious to use Amoy rice water to water green apple. Aunt Liu watered the green pineapple, she basically did not ferment the rice water, and she did not know how to ferment it. But the rice-washing water she uses to water green turnips is used on the balcony for five or six hours, which will ferment some of it. And the sun can also kill bacteria. It can be said to be very practical.

Often use Amoy rice water to water green pineapple, will make its leaves more and more green, the key is to raise more worry, do not need to fertilize, can grow very well on the balcony, often two or three months later, green pans can not be filled.

Some flower friends may have asked, what if the green pineapple has begun to have yellow leaves? In the words of Aunt Liu, green turnips and yellow leaves are mostly caused by no light and no ventilation, so changing the position of the green pineapple is solved.

If the green pineapple is placed in an unventilated position, it is easy to make the root system of the green pineapple mildew and rot, so that the leaves will soon turn yellow and dry. So there must be a ventilated environment. In addition, check the roots of green pineapple every few months to see if there are rotten roots. Only in this way can we raise the green pineapple better. In addition to the knack of using rice water to raise green pineapple, there is also a lot of knowledge that can be used.

For example, wiping the green pineapple leaves after dilution with beer can remove dust and make the leaves more oily. Spraying potassium dihydrogen phosphate to the green apple every month can make the green apple grow stronger and so on. This is the end of the knowledge about green pineapple growing flowers. Thank you for your reading!

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