
How to raise a cute bear boy? Do you really understand soil allocation, flower ware and watering?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The 23rd? Qian Yan love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply to "Community" and 20W meat friends to bask together! Backstage reply "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil, disinfestation, black rot" view phase.



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Author / Zhong Yingzi

Coordinates / Shanghai

Editor / succulent plant sink

The real start of raising meat began in June 2014, and like everyone else, they were attracted by their sprouting leaves, gorgeous colors and special forms.

It is inevitable to fall in love with a bear, fat claws, fluffy, so cute! The first basin is the one below, and it is sent along with the basin. The leaves below are very dirty and a lot of leaves have been lost, but fortunately the leaves are very thick.

After that, because I didn't understand it, I became thinner and thinner, so I studied and practiced all kinds of books. Then crazy to buy bears, green bears, white bears, yellow bears, all kinds of bears, but also repeat, now large and small will be nearly 50 pots, I am also drunk.

Tell me about my experience of raising bears. It may not be all right or may not be suitable for the national climate, but most of it should be. Please forgive me if there is anything wrong. Just because I like it, I want to share it with you, don't spray if you don't like it, thank you for your appreciation!

1 soil: small seedlings or beheaded rootless (bears can not cut leaves): 70% peat soil + 30% particles. My favorite peat soil is Merlot (although a small package costs 6 yuan), but it is really good to use. If you want to save money, some general gardening land is fine.

I use medium-sized red jade soil + Maifan stone (to buy authentic Maifan stone, now there are a lot of fake ones, which are easy to harden in the soil), and the shop floor likes to use large particle iridescent stone (according to my personal preference, it's good to use red jade soil. But don't use any small white stones, it will be boring. The soil is usually changed in about a year.

Adult, old pile: the root has been firmly rooted, and it needs more air than seedlings. 50% granular soil + 50% peat soil (same as above) can be changed once a year and a half to 2 years.

No matter Xiaomiao or Laozhuang, I will lay a layer of ceramsite under each basin to prevent stagnant water.

Note: why put the soil in the first place, because the succulent root is very important, if the soil is not suitable, even if the soil is not suitable, it may not be strong and easy to rot when you grow up.

2 pots: the basin of what material is related to the time of watering, so learn about it by the way. Common are: tile basin, red ceramic basin, ceramic basin, purple sand basin, Vientiane basin, cement basin.

I am simply divided into breathable and not very breathable two kinds, as we all know, tile basin, red pottery basin, purple sand and so on are more breathable, ceramics are not breathable. So the duration of watering will of course be different.

And those expensive pots in South Korea are also quite breathable. The bears in my family have used all kinds of pots and are easy to raise. They are not so delicate and have no problem in summer and winter. Basins without holes at the bottom are not recommended.

3 season and watering: friends who have raised meat for a period of time all know that spring and autumn is the peak season for succulent growth, and bears love it even more. it is not a problem at all in the growing season, of course, continuous rain or torrential rain should be prevented.

It's okay to have no water for a month in summer and winter, but it's best to flood several times before entering summer and winter, so that you won't look at the shrunken leaves and itch in summer and winter. Watering in the growing season can be done once a week until the basin floor leaks out. Less breathable pots can be used every 10 days in the growing season, and watering is better in the rain than watering.

Summer is mainly sunshade and ventilation. There is a courtyard in my home, which is pulled up with a black net in summer, and all sunshade will be shaded at the beginning of 30 degrees. You can choose three stitches (transparent some) and 6 stitches (thicker) above 35 degrees. You can sell green and black ones online and buy black ones.

After the heavy rain in summer, the sun is the most deadly. A day of heavy rain and a day of heavy sun can return to before the revolution. If the meat is caught in the rain in summer, be sure to blow it in a ventilated place, otherwise the bears will immediately lose a leaf and become the commander of the light pole!

If the ventilation condition is poor, take out the electric fan and turn on the maximum gear for 24 hours. If you don't have a fan, turn on the air conditioner and lower the temperature, but it's better if you don't have a fan. Summer and winter meat does not grow (less than 8 degrees, above 25 degrees, not very long, of course, excluding some summer and winter meat), water poured down the roots will not be absorbed, it is easy to accumulate water, if you do not blow dry in time, the roots will rot!

In addition to the growing season, do not change pots, do not behead, it is not easy to survive.

Bear on the basin: after beheading, the bear will cool for about three days, and the root wound will be dry. Gently insert it into the soil with pliers. It is easy to root with the soil I wrote above (Merlot's soil itself is a little damp, but it is not wet and does not need watering), about 2 weeks to root.

White bears and yellow bears take longer, about a month (growing season). After the root, pour a circle of water around, do not need to be too thoroughly, because the root of the hair is too tender, the green bear and other solid can be thoroughly watered.

Not a beheaded bear, a bear with roots can be watered a week after the growing season and can be watered thoroughly. After putting on the basin, put it in a place with light, do not shine directly from the sun. Just wait a week.

Color: temperature difference is the key, so it's normal to be green in summer. Winter to spring is the most beautiful time for meat, and there is a big temperature difference between day and night. In addition, if exposed, the nails will be redder, and the leaves even seem to be red with blood.

6 aquaculture environment: meat lovers who do not have exposed conditions should not be discouraged. If the sun cannot stay in the sun for too long, the watering time will be extended, which is longer than the time written above. The windowsill party can bask in the south for as long as it can, and you can move to the north balcony in summer.

7 Green Bear, White Bear, Yellow Bear: green Bear is the best to raise. Basically, just bask in the flood. I hung a few pots of White Bear. Heartache experience. Absolutely less watering, watering must be thoroughly watered, do not water in summer and winter. Yellow bears are cheaper and easier to raise than white bears, basically similar to green bears.

8 insect prevention, bird prevention, family defense: it is said that bears have a bad smell, but I don't feel very strongly. I don't know if this is the reason. The bears in the family have hardly been attacked by insects.

Absolutely be on guard against birds, hang a red plastic bag and put a windmill to frighten birds. The most important defense family, from time to time to give you a water or something, want to cry without tears ah!

Also pay attention to the damage caused by external factors such as rats, ants, pets, children, and so on. Raising meat is really worried.

But no matter how difficult and troublesome it is, the bear is so cute, succulent so cute, painful and happy. The pain of raising meat is incomprehensible to others, and the happiness of raising meat is also incomprehensible to others! Raise meat, on the way!

As long as you have a little more patience, love and conviction, your flesh can bloom the most beautiful!

Such a lovely bear boy, how can everyone be adorable if he doesn't get fat?

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