
Playing bonsai to the end is to fight culture

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Master Pan Zhonglian's work "Liu Songnian's brushwork"(five-needle pine) is a typical five-needle pine bonsai in Zhejiang Province. According to Liu Songnian's painting Song Yanya stacked style. The main frame of the picture stands tall, straight and curved, with oblique lining in the middle...

Master Pan Zhonglian's "the Writing of Liu Songnian" (five Needles)

This is a typical five-needle pine bonsai with high dry combination in Zhejiang. According to Liu Songnian's painting of Songyanya cascading style. The trunk of the picture stands tall and straight in the middle, with an oblique stem in the middle to seek its change; the layout of branches and leaves, right and left, with slight momentum. The overall shape, magnificent momentum, tall and straight, spectacular, giving people a sense of grandeur and grandeur. Its free and easy, bold and unrestrained grace and gloomy vitality make people feel a kind of vitality and vitality of continuous self-improvement. It inherits and carries forward the artistic style of Zhejiang bonsai, which is famous for its nature, freehand brushwork and personality, and won the first prize in the first Chinese bonsai exhibition.

Title: son of Nature

Tree species: five-needle pine

Specification: 141 cm x 148 cm

Author: pan Zhonglian

Title: born out of nowhere

Tree species: five-needle pine

Specification: 61 cm x 150 cm

Author: pan Zhonglian


Wuhan, Hubei @ Zhang Xianjue: I always want to ask you what friends who are playing bonsai for the first time lack most. Don't say lack of money.

Lack of bonsai teachers, lack of learning materials, lack of. Huh?

Henan Pingdingshan @ Umbrella Zhimin: lack of clear-minded leaders, or guides. For reference only.

Jiangsu Suqian @ Ang Lee: lack of geo-platform and approachable teachers.

Wuhan, Hubei @ Li Shuaifei-Little Wolf: lack of cultural foundation and aesthetic guidance.

Henan Nanyang @ Fengxiangyuan Yang Jianwu: lack of technical experience, aesthetic vision and later development direction! Is that right?

Hubei Wuhan @ Zhang Xianjue: it should be said that I have been playing bonsai for 10 years. At that time, I felt that what I needed most was basic knowledge, so I went to study and learn landscaping. At the same time, I felt that I lacked practical experience, so I thanked teacher he Yisun for learning skills. What is most lacking now is that there is a group of people who have a common interest to play bonsai to the fullest.

Hubei Wuhan @ Zhang Xianjue: in fact, bonsai is easier to use than any other art, but it is harder to sublimate than any other art. this is the charm of bonsai.

Henan Pingdingshan @ Umbrella Zhimin: bonsai lacks systematic theory and has a long creation cycle, so it is easy to take detours without a mentor.

Hubei Wuhan @ Zhang Xianjue: I don't know if you agree with me. To play bonsai, to play at the end is to fight for culture, foundation, understanding, perseverance and innovation.

Henan Pingdingshan @ Umbrella Zhimin: hard work, hard work and self-cultivation. A point of view.

Wuhan, Hubei @ Zhang Xianjue: yes, it is virtuous.

Henan Pingdingshan @ Umbrella Zhimin: Mr. Zhang Ting told us that art is inseparable from the cornerstone of literature, history and philosophy.

Wuhan, Hubei @ Zhang Xianjue: all bonsai masters or predecessors who have gone far and high are both virtuous and artistic.

Shaanxi Xi'an @ Guan Mu Bin: good speech.

Fujian Sanming @ Li Rongguang: play bonsai at different levels.

Wuhan, Hubei @ Zhang Xianjue: bonsai should have a kind heart and a higher EQ.

Fujian Sanming @ Li Rongguang: pan Zhonglian's works are of cultural taste, and we can learn a lot from him.

Wuhan, Hubei @ Zhang Xianjue: turning to Pan's new book, the connotation of that collection of poems is really unprecedented.

Yunnan Lijiang @ Yihe Garden and Yonghua: culture is the most basic, profound and lasting force! I very much admire and appreciate Zhang Xianjue's understanding and grasp of Chinese bonsai!

Hubei Wuhan @ Zhang Xianjue: alarmed by the curator! ? Thank you for your encouragement, but the praise is hard to match. After running a lot with high achievers in the past few years, I can't help but have some ideas or correct some immature ideas. Now speak out bluntly, discuss with you, and strive to mature.

[feelings of bonsai people]

Text | Xiamen, Fujian @ Zhou Yingzhi

Be a man like water and do things like mountains. The people in the world who have never been abandoned by fate, only those who are bound by fate. When you reach your peak in life, listen to the brilliant music of life! The failure and pain of many people is not the inability to get out, but the inability to come back. Life can be leisurely only if you know how to restrain unrealistic desires and constantly strengthen your boat.

Bonsai works of Lei Tianzhou and Bauhinia

Song of Huang Jingsong

-- thoughts on the bonsai works of Lei Tianzhou and Bauhinia

Text | Buy Lufeng

Bauhinia, leafy shrubs, regardless of soil and water, born in the corners of mountains and rivers, poor mountains and evil waters, bushes by the side of the road. People and animals do not hesitate, mountain torrents abandon the body, inexhaustible, gradually and cheap, do not think so. There are also comments by those who are idle and light: Bauhinia is the masterpiece of natural goodness and beauty.

She is more beautiful than gentle, good at enduring, beneficial to the world, and does not compete for taste. Although it does not have the majesty of pines and cypresses, the wealth of peonies, the elegance of Meilan and the charm of jasmine. If you plant pots and install pavilions and pavilions, you can show beauty; you can cut down warp weaving fences to benefit farmers to store silkworms.

Flower brew honey, seed oil, rod salary: leaf flavor exorcism, covered with treasure, dedicated. Alas! What a pity! I advocate the public to take effect of its character, the natural beauty of the world ah!

In the spring of 2018, the potted bauhinia was planted in Qiyuan.

Bonsai recommended by Bonyou @ Tanghua is as follows:

A small ecological garden with 1 mu of land in the family

[feelings of bonsai people]

Text | Xiamen, Fujian @ Zhou Yingzhi

A sincere person will be liked wherever he goes. Because he speaks earnestly, works attentively and is sincere. A kind heart can accompany anyone for a long time. Because of understanding, tolerance and respect. In this life, a good reputation is earned with affection and righteousness; good feelings are earned with sincerity; and good character is built in a lifetime! To be a man, we must put sincerity first; in our heart, we must be kind-oriented!

Fujian Quanzhou @ Lin Rong Xuan recommended his new work as follows:

Park Shu

Ficus angustifolia

Anhui Liu'an @ Sai Garden recommended Ying Shanhong bonsai as follows:

Wonderful playback:

Welcome to Chinese bonsai!

Bonsai exhibition hall that can be enjoyed at any time

Carry forward bonsai culture and exchange bonsai skills!

Enjoy bonsai art and share a happy life!