
Many people like to eat golden cicadas in summer, but some people say golden cicadas have parasites.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I was also surprised to see this problem. I am also from the countryside. When I was a child, my favorite thing to do in summer was to catch "crawling grasshoppers" with my friends. "climbing grasshoppers" is our name for golden cicadas here. At that time, there were many trees and golden cicadas.

I was also surprised to see this problem. I am also from the countryside. When I was a child, my favorite thing to do in summer was to catch "crawling grasshoppers" with my friends. "climbing grasshoppers" is our name for golden cicadas here. At that time, there were many trees and golden cicadas, and dozens of them could be caught in one night. When I took it home, my mother put it on salt and steamed it the next morning.

The golden cicada tastes good, but it doesn't think about the parasite at all. However, since it is mentioned that I also specifically read the relevant information, I would like to share it with you.

Golden cicada is actually a kind of insect with high protein and high nutrition. Golden cicada is also known as "Tang monk meat", and there are many friends who like to eat golden cicada. The golden cicada spends most of its life underground, and it usually takes more than three years to climb out of the ground and become a cicada.

The golden cicada is more sensitive to the change of the environment, when the environment is not suitable, or when there are more bacteria and toxins in the soil, it will affect the growth of the golden cicada, resulting in the death of golden cicada larvae. And the golden cicada is repulsive to heavy metals, once the heavy metals in the surrounding environment exceed the standard, it is easy to affect the growth of the golden cicada, and this is also related to the growth environment of the golden cicada. Therefore, in the process of artificial breeding, it is required to breed in uncontaminated soil.

And because the golden cicada lives deep underground, the pollution of pesticides is very small, and there is no way to use various hormone drugs to accelerate the growth of the golden cicada. The main reason why artificial can shorten the culture time of golden cicada is that it provides a more suitable growth environment for golden cicada, and the warmth in winter and root nutrition all lay a foundation for shortening the growth period of golden cicada.

However, the golden cicada, as an insect larva, still carries some bacteria and a small amount of parasitic diseases, but its content is too small and it will not cause harm to the human body after being made at high temperature. However, physically sensitive people are still not recommended to eat too much, just taste fresh.

In addition, cicada clothing is also a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which has the functions of dispelling wind and heat, promoting pharynx and so on. When I was a child, people often went to look for cicada clothes during the day and sold them to those who collected them.

Next, I would like to share with you some notes on catching golden cicadas.

Because there are many Rain Water in summer, the weather is muggy, and it is night to catch golden cicadas, so we must pay attention to guard against snakes. In the north, there are generally non-poisonous snakes, but there will be more poisonous snakes in the south. So we must pay attention to guard against poisonous snakes.

In addition, children had better stay with adults, after all, it is night, dark is prone to accidents. People who are timid and afraid of the dark should not go, just wait at home to eat.

After catching the golden cicada, it can be soaked in salt water for one night and eaten the next day, which can not only keep it fresh, but also kill some bacteria and parasitic pathogens on the golden cicada. If it is preserved for a long time, the golden cicada can be washed clean, then soaked in clean water for a period of time, then steamed to medium well, cool, put into a sealed fresh bag, preferably vacuum, put into the refrigerator can be frozen.

The above comes from promoting agriculture through science.