
The fleshy peony conservation learned this skill. It's amazing to see it.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Fleshy red peony is a kind of fleshy variety of cactus family originating in South America. Fleshy red peony has red ball all the year round, red color is beautiful and eye-catching. Flower friends often plant fleshy red peony as an ornamental plant, placed indoors has a good...

Succulent peony is a succulent variety of Cactaceae native to South America. The four-season sphere of peony is red, red and beautiful. Flower friends often plant succulent peonies as ornamental plants, which have a good ornamental effect indoors and can add a touch of beautiful color to life. How to maintain such fleshy peonies?

Maintenance skills of succulent peony

1. Succulent peony is suitable for growing in a warm environment, which is not cold-resistant and has poor cold resistance, so the maintenance of succulent peony needs to be transported indoors in winter to avoid too low temperature, resulting in frostbite and threatening the survival of succulent peony.

two。 The curing temperature of succulent peony can be kept at about 8-10 ℃, so that succulent peony can grow better. And can be placed on the balcony to maintain sufficient light to meet the needs of succulent peony growth and avoid poor growth due to lack of light.

3. Succulent peony does not have high requirements for water and fertilizer conditions, and likes to grow in a dry environment, so it can be kept dry in winter without watering or less watering, and the amount of fertilizer can be controlled in winter.

The above is some introduction of how to maintain succulent peony. I believe that flower friends also have a certain understanding of how to raise succulent peony. The maintenance of succulent peony needs adequate temperature, light, water and fertilizer conditions, which is the key to the survival of succulent peony. In winter, succulent peony can be raised in a warm place indoors, pay attention to control water and fertilizer, and avoid damage to plant roots. Let the peony pass through the cold winter, the flowers will be more beautiful!