
How to adjust the disparity between the strength of piglets

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to adjust the disparity between the strength of piglets

As there is a great disparity in the strength of piglets, the following adjustment measures should be taken:

Separate the strong from the weak and feed them on time. The piglets with good growth and strong physique in a litter are divided into a column; the underweight and stunted piglets are divided into a column; at first, they can be covered with baskets and covered with straw and quilts in cold weather. The sows were breast-fed every 1-2 hours, fed every 3 hours after 1 week and 4 hours after 1 month.

Fix the nipple and eat the colostrum. Weak piglets are often unable to find nipples in time because of weakness in their limbs and inconvenience in movement, especially in the cold season, where they cannot suck milk because their bodies are frozen. Therefore, when the weak piglets are placed on the milky nipples in front of the sows after delivery, the strong piglets can suck the nipples with less milk and leave no empty nipples, which can promote the breast development of sows.

Early temptation and weaning by stages. Seven days after birth, the piglets can be induced by feed, put the feed in the palm, hand it to the mouth of the piglets and let them lick it. After 2 or 3 days, the piglets can eat freely in the trough. Feed should be dry feeding, do not add water paste feeding, so as not to affect the effect. After feeding, prepare enough clean drinking water for drinking, and use warm water in winter. The trough is nailed and separated by the number of piglets with a stick to avoid competing for food. On the 40th day after delivery, the milk secretion of sows decreased gradually. If there is a great difference in weight between the two litters, the strong and heavy litter can be weaned in the litter and fed and defecated outside the litter. Leave the weak litter to the sow to continue breastfeeding for 15 days, you can achieve the effect of two litters of the same weight. In the nest to the full of 2 months, do not let it gregarious, in order to avoid fighting.

Prevent disease and get vaccinated. Feeding sows with 1 / 2 tablespoons of oxytetracycline every day within 30 days of birth can effectively prevent white dysentery of piglets. If you find piglets with white dysentery, immediately take 2 tablespoons of water with 2 tablets of sulfamethoxazole tablets, generally take 1 / 2 times and then heal. When filling, pick up the pig, clamp it with your knees, take a stick to hold it, and pour it in turn with a small spoon. Piglets should be injected with triple vaccine and piglet paratyphoid vaccine within 40 days. If it is found that piglets love to drill grass nests, high temperature, vomiting, loose stool, increased water consumption, slow movement and other symptoms can be considered as piglet paratyphoid. The disease spreads quickly and the mortality rate is high. The diseased pigs should be isolated and immediately injected with 5 ml of chloramphenicol and enrofloxacin.