
There are new ways to treat porcine diarrhea.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, There are new ways to treat porcine diarrhea.

Pig diarrhea is one of the most important clinical diseases at present. after the onset of the disease, weight gain decreases and serious dehydration can lead to death, so it has become the main factor affecting the growth of pigs.

Since raising pigs in a breeding household in Gongzhuling City, Heilongjiang Province, every litter of newborn pigs will have symptoms of yellow rice soup-like feces, and the feces have a fishy smell and contain undigested curd blocks. Yellow feces pollute the tail and buttocks of the pigs. the pigs are mentally poor and do not eat. They soon lose weight, dehydration and sunken eyeballs, and later excrete milky or grayish white paste or paste feces with air bubbles in the feces. A few days later, the pig's coat was dull, conjunctiva, skin was pale, afraid of cold, and finally died. The use of various drugs for treatment did not improve.

Etiological analysis of the symptoms, we can see that the disease is caused by Escherichia coli yellow and white dysentery. The occurrence of the disease is mainly related to the feeding and management of pig farms, hygiene of houses, nutrition of pigs and other factors. First of all, due to the poor feeding environment, E. coli in the environment can easily contaminate the skin, nipples and ground of sows, and pigs can cause infection by sucking breast milk or arching the ground. Secondly, due to the sudden climate change, it is not timely to keep pigs warm, especially in winter, it is easy to cause diarrhea. In addition, the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract of newborn pigs is not fully developed, the function of secreting gastric acid is very poor, and the ability to inhibit and kill bacteria is weak, resulting in a large number of pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract and digestive tract dysfunction. Chyli is rapidly decomposed into harmful substances, which seriously irritates intestinal mucosa, causes catarrhal enteritis, ferments and spoils intestinal contents, produces a large amount of gas, increases stimulation to the intestinal tract, and aggravates intestinal peristalsis. It causes serious absorption dysfunction, which leads to diarrhea diseases such as yellow and white dysentery of pigs.

Treatment measures many pig farms after the occurrence of pig diarrhea, the use of antibiotics for treatment, although it can kill some harmful bacteria, but also kill the beneficial bacteria in the pig body, long-term use is also easy to produce drug resistance, high-dose use will cause pig drug poisoning. Moreover, diarrhea is not only caused by bacteria, the use of drugs alone can not achieve satisfactory results.

The author does not recommend adding drugs to the feed. Breeders can feed pigs with nutritious and balanced feed to produce strong immunity. Balanced protein contains a variety of balanced and comprehensive nutritional factors, Chinese herbal medicine, probiotics and other health substances, which play a unique role in the prevention and treatment of pigs. Usage: add 8% 12% balanced protein to the pig basic diet without adding drugs, and the preventive effect of long-term use is outstanding.

Any of the following methods can be used for treatment:

First, add 16% balance protein to the basic diet of pigs, and strengthen nursing at the same time. Pay attention to keeping warm in winter and spring, you can put a layer of bedding grass on the ground, and then gradually increase the bedding grass, which can not only keep warm but also save cleaning feces. It can be cured in 2 to 4 days.

Second, the mixture of corn flour and balanced protein, the ratio is 2 ∶ 1, feeding for 1 day, diarrhea can be stopped.

3. For piglets with diarrhea, the proportion of balanced protein in warm water is 1 ∶ 1. After a period of time, the soaking solution is taken out and given to suckling pigs with a needle-free syringe, 5 to 10 milliliters each time, twice a day for 3 times.