
How pig farmers reduce farming costs

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How pig farmers reduce farming costs

Raising crossbred pigs: if professional pig farmers want to obtain ideal feeding benefits, they must choose crossbred pigs that are resistant to rough feeding, early maturing, easy to fatten, early fencing and high lean meat rate. In order to meet the market demand, it is best to choose du Chang and du Da binary crossbred or du Da Chang and du Da three-way hybrid commodity lean meat pigs.

Feed compound feed: according to the growth characteristics of "pig long bone, medium pig long skin, big pig fat, fat pig", when pigs begin to accumulate fat at the age of 5 ~ 6 months, formula feed should be based on energy concentrate, such as corn, barley, sorghum or bran. When fat begins to accumulate under the skin, it is fed with a mixture of beans, cereals, cakes and blood meal, fish meal, bone meal and vitamins, minerals and compound feed additives. Adopt the way of dry feeding of raw meal to improve the feed utilization rate and increase the nutrients for the growth of lean meat.

Improve the pig house environment: the pig house environment is also one of the factors that determine the growth speed of pigs. The suitable temperature for pig growth is 15 ℃ ~ 25 ℃, and the relative humidity is 55%-60%. The temperature and humidity is too high, and the heat dissipation of the pig body is blocked, which can easily lead to heatstroke and metabolic disorders; if the temperature is too low, the pig body dissipates more heat, consumes more feed, and increases the feeding cost. For this reason, when the summer temperature exceeds 28 ℃, use cold water to spray the enclosure at noon, or build an Arbor to shade the sun; in winter, it is necessary to prevent cold and heat preservation, the circle can be covered with hay 10-15 cm thick, and the technology of raising pigs in a warm shed can effectively improve the utilization rate of feed.

Supply of adequate drinking water: water in pigs accounts for 1: 3 to 1: 2, which plays an important role in regulating body temperature, transporting nutrients, digesting and absorbing and excreting waste. Therefore, sufficient clean drinking water must be provided in order to ensure the healthy growth of pigs and maximize their growth potential.

Change the hanging rack fattening to straight line fattening: the traditional hanging rack fattening is to control the nutrition level in the early stage and to increase the energy feed in the later stage. This method has the advantages of single feed, incomplete nutrition, and can not meet the growth needs of pigs. pigs grow slowly, the feeding cycle is long, and the fencing rate is low. From weaning to fattening, straight-line fattening with full-price compound feed can effectively shorten the fattening period and improve the fattening rate.

Timely hurdling: the law of growth and development of pigs is slow weight gain in the early stage, fast weight gain in the middle stage, and slow weight gain in the later stage. When the body weight of pigs is more than 100 kg, the daily gain begins to decrease, and the greater the body weight, the less the daily gain and the more feed consumption. On the other hand, the body weight of pigs is too small, although it saves feed, but the slaughtering rate is low and the meat quality is poor. In our country, except for precocious pigs whose body weight is about 75 kg, crossbred and improved pigs are fattened in a straight line after weaning at more than 35-45 days old and weighing 10-15 kg, concentrate on full-price compound feed, use a large amount of green roughage and feed appropriate additives, do a good job of deworming, stomach-strengthening and epidemic prevention, pay attention to heat prevention in summer and autumn, and warm shed feeding in winter and spring. It is the most economical for pigs to be fattened when they are 7-8 months old and weigh up to 110 kg.