
Six reasons why piglets don't grow fast

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Six reasons why piglets don't grow fast

There are six main reasons why piglets don't grow fast.

First, weaning is unreasonable: farmers take one more weaning method for raising pigs and go on the market immediately after weaning, resulting in a sudden change in the original maternal-centered, stable and comfortable living conditions of the pigs, making it difficult for them to adapt and affect weight gain. The number of breastfeeding to pigs should be gradually reduced 5-6 days before weaning until completely weaned.

Second, the feeding is not timely: the pigs failed to feed in time at the lactation stage, and could not eat well after weaning, resulting in slow growth and stop development. Generally speaking, the pigs should be fed at the age of 10 days, starting with fragrant, sweet, crisp and digestible feed, and then gradually changed to normal feed.

Third, the feed and feeding methods are unreasonable: after weaning, not only can not eat breast milk, but also the feed quality is worse than that during the lactation period, and the daily feeding frequency is sharply reduced from 6 to 8 times before weaning to 3 times a day. These drastic changes hinder the normal development of sub-pigs. Therefore, when buying pigs, it is necessary to ask the seller in detail about the feeding and management of pigs, so as to achieve the gradual transition of feed quality and feeding times from more to less.

Fourth, the environmental conditions change too much: before weaning, the pigs take the mother as the center, and the siblings live together. After weaning, it is usually a circle of pigs, the pigs can not adapt to this lonely life in a short time, especially in winter because of cold weather and can not eat well or sleep well, easy to get sick or even die. Therefore, when buying pigs, we should try to understand the original feeding situation, create a comfortable living environment for pigs, and the change of feeding conditions should be carried out gradually.

Fifth, extensive management: at present, farmers generally raise pigs in a circle, and some pigs eat, sleep and defecate in the same place, coupled with lax cleaning and washers, resulting in environmental pollution and extremely poor sanitary conditions, especially in winter. it is easy to cause a series of diseases such as pig colds and diarrhea, which is extremely disadvantageous to its growth and development. In the actual pig production, pigs can be divided into groups according to the speed of eating and temperament, with 3 to 6 as a circle, so that pigs compete for food and grow fast. In addition, it is necessary to do a good job in training to make it eat, defecate and sleep at a fixed point, so as to maintain environmental hygiene.

Sixth, the time of epidemic prevention and castration is incorrect: farmers buy more pigs to the market, and carry out epidemic prevention and castration at the same time. In this way, the three unfavorable factors of weaning, epidemic prevention and castration are added to the piglets, so that the piglets can not recover their weight for a long time, seriously affecting the normal growth and development of pigs, making their growth slow and forming stiff pigs. Generally speaking, young boars that are not reserved for breeding can be castrated at 20 days old and sows can be castrated at 30-40 days old. In order to prevent some infectious diseases, swine fever vaccine can be injected before 30 days old, and erysipelas vaccine can be injected at 90 days old.