
Use these three kinds of fertile water to raise orchids, water and fertilize the money saved in one step to buy pots and wait for separation.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Use three kinds of fertile water to raise orchids, watering and fertilizing in one step, and the money saved to buy pots to wait for separation! Orchids, there are no gorgeous flowers, there is no huge flower ball, but it is such a flower, let countless people pursue it. ...

Use three kinds of fertile water to raise orchids, watering and fertilizing in one step, and the money saved to buy pots to wait for separation!

Orchids, there are no gorgeous flowers, there is no huge flower ball, but it is such a flower, let countless people pursue it. It has to be said that orchids have their own unique temperament and quality. It has its own elegant and pure quality, which is favored by many enthusiasts.

Therefore, in our daily life, the conservation of orchids has also become an indispensable spiritual pursuit of many lovers in leisure and entertainment. Orchid cultivation, people summed up such a set of methods, that is, soil distribution, watering, fertilization, light, temperature and so on. Through the innovation and practice of orchid farmers, great progress has been made in both the cultivation of orchid varieties and the quality of orchid cultivation.

In the case of fertilizing orchids, orchids can be described as painstaking efforts to practice such three kinds of fertilizer and water to cultivate orchids. This method of fertilization is not only cheap, but also watering and fertilizing orchids, which can be described as a two-pronged approach. An experienced orchid farmer said that it works really well to raise orchids in this way, so just wait to save money to buy big flowerpots and share them. Next, I will introduce these kinds of fat and water to you one by one.

One is honey water. It is in the first two months of orchid flowering, in order to promote the growth of orchid buds and orchid flowering, we need orchid fertilization and watering, so that orchids are ready to bloom in advance. Therefore, we can mix the right amount of honey with water to water orchid leaves and irrigate orchid pot soil. Because honey is rich in sugar and other nutrients, it can provide effective ingredients for orchids and promote the growth of orchids.

The second is spoiled milk. Usually the spoiled yogurt is fermented and can be watered with water. After 24 hours of fermentation, the spoiled pure milk should water the orchid with the right amount of water, otherwise it will lead to root burning. Because milk contains vitamins and protein, it can provide essential nutrients for orchids and promote the healthy growth of orchids.

The third is aspirin tablets. It is to crush the aspirin piece with a stick, put it in a spray can, add an appropriate amount of water and stir it evenly to water the orchid. Because aspirin tablets contain salicylic acid, it can promote the growth of orchid roots and enhance the disease resistance of orchids.

For these cheap fertilizers, you only need to pay attention to dilution properly when using them. For these kinds of fertilizer and water, we must pay attention to watering orchids, do not directly pour fertilizer and water in the heart of orchids, it is easy to cause rotten roots and leaves of orchids. Do you have any other tricks for conserving orchids? Say it and share it.