
How many days is the growth period of taro? What is the yield of taro per mu in taro harvest season?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Do you know taro? This kind of vegetable, ordinary people do not like to eat, this kind of vegetable is generally planted in the south, less in the north, which is mainly because of its requirements for the growing environment. Another feature of this vegetable is that its growth cycle is compared.

Do you know taro? This kind of vegetable, the average person does not like to eat, this kind of vegetable is generally planted in the south, the north grows less, this is mainly its planting environment requirements. Another characteristic of this vegetable is that its growth cycle is relatively long. How long is it?

Taro can generally mature in about 7 months, taro general growth period of 210-240 days, late-maturing varieties, growth period of 270-300 days. Then how about its harvest per mu? Will it yield especially little? Taro yield per mu is generally 1500~2000 kg, taro specific yield and varieties, land, climate, management and other factors, so the yield will have different changes. This vegetable is usually harvested in autumn. Although you don't have to wait until autumn to buy friends who want to eat, vegetables in the season will taste a lot better.