
Buddhism? Botany? Come and have a look.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The recently popular "Buddhist youth" must be very familiar with it. Do you know what "Buddhist plants" are? Today, the editor will take you to understand the real "Buddhist plants" ~ the Buddhist sutra stipulates that five kinds of trees must be planted in the temple.

The recently popular "Buddhist youth" must be very familiar with it.

Do you know what "Buddhist plants" are?

Today, the editor will show you what really exists in reality.

Buddhist plants ~

In the Buddhist sutras, it is stipulated that in the temple

Must plant five kinds of trees and six kinds of flowers

Five trees

Banyan tree, high banyan, shell leaf palm, betel nut, sugar brown

Six flowers

Lotus, Wenshulan, turmeric flower, egg flower, Burmese sweet-scented osmanthus, Diyong Golden Lotus

Five trees

Bodhi tree

Ficus religiosa L.

A large tree plant of the genus Banyan.

Attached to other trees when young, with leathery leaves

Triangular-ovate, basal veins Ternate

Petiole slender, figs globose to oblate

Style slender, stigma narrow

Flowering from March to April and fruiting from May to June

The original Sanskrit name of the banyan tree is "Bigelow Tree".

Because Sakyamuni enlightened under the banyan tree

It was called the Bodhi Tree, and "Bodhi" means "enlightenment".

To this day, the Hindu Shattas often think under the banyan tree.

In jungle temples across India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar

Banyan trees are widely planted, and India is designated as a national tree.

Gao Rong

Ficus altissima Bl.

Gao Rong, a big tree of Moraceae, also known as Alpine Banyan, is distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi,

Southern Yunnan, Vietnam, Malaysia, India and Ceylon

In the mountainous forest.

The aerial root and pillar root of Gao Rong are very strong.

So not only does it strangle the host plant,

And it is easy to form a single tree forest.

Although the fruit of Gaorong is small, it bears a lot.

When the fruit is ripe, countless small fruits on the branches are like red corals.

Attracted a variety of birds and animals to compete for food, bustling

It is said in the historical poem "Li Jiao" of the Dai nationality in Xishuangbanna

It is "with gods."

Many flowers often bloom on the same tree during the flowering season.

As a result, the flowers are colorful and colorful.

Shell leaf brown

Corypha umbraculifea Linn

Palm is an evergreen tree native to tropical Asia.

It is usually about 20 meters high and grows tall and majestic.

The trunk is straight and round, with no branches

The crown of the tree is like a giant umbrella, and the leaves are scattered like palms.

Give people a sense of solemnity and vitality

It is an excellent tree species for greening the environment in the tropics.

Produced in Myanmar, India and Sri Lanka, available for viewing

The famous Bei Ye Sutra in Buddhism

That is, it is made from the leaves of shell palm.

Some people think that shell leaf palm is a kind of marker tree of geography and national culture.

As long as it is tropical, where there is Buddhism, there is shellfish palm.

The Dai people in Xishuangbanna

Regard Beiye as a symbol of one's own cultural development

And often proud of it.

Even deify the shellfish palm

I think that only a sincere Buddha can grow it.

Betel nut

Areca catechu L.

Evergreen trees of the genus areca in the palm family, with erect stems

Treelike, more than 10 meters high, up to 30 meters high

There are obvious annular leaf marks, monoecious.

Inflorescences much branched, ovary oblong

The fruit is oblong or ovoid

Seeds ovate, flowering and fruiting from March to April

The appearance of the betel nut tree is similar to that of the coconut tree

Tall and straight, branches and leaves facing the wind, elegant and lovely

The fruit of betel nut is edible, and people in some places in the south

Have the habit of chewing betel nut, the more chewing, the more delicious, mellow taste drunk into

Betel nut is also a kind of medicine, which has the functions of relieving diarrhea, treating dysentery, killing insects and removing accumulation.

Alias "Sanmian Dan"

Sugar brown

Borassus flabellifer L

Evergreen trees; palmately divided leaves.

Most of the lobes are 2-lobed at the tip.

Fleshy spikes of unisexual, dioecious, much branched flowers

The Buddha's bud is remarkable. The fruit is prolific, with dozens gathered around the neck of the tree.

It is as big as a ball, golden and bright, and can be used for interior decoration

Sugar brown is also known as sugar coconut

People like to carve inflorescences with knives

Then the inflorescence juice will flow along the knife to the bucket.

The juice is very sweet, like granulated sugar.

One inflorescence can produce 4 buckets of sweet juice.

The pinnate leaves of sugar brown are perennial oil green

Huge and dense, like a natural canopy

Block out the hot tropical sun

It's like a big green umbrella.

Give people a cool shade that can be planted in the courtyard.

Six flowers


Lotus flower

It belongs to the order Coleoptera and Nelumbo nucifera, which is the general name of two species of Lotus.

Also known as lotus, water hibiscus, etc.

It is a perennial aquatic herb flower of the genus Nelumbo nucifera

The underground stem is long and thick, with long nodes and round leaves.

Florescence from June to September, solitary at the top of the pedicel with many petals

Embedded in Huatuo cave, with red, pink, white, purple and other colors

Or have color pattern, edge. Nuts oval, seeds ovate

Lotus is one of the top ten famous flowers in China.

It is also the national flower of India, and the lotus is the representative of holiness

It is also a symbol of the sacred purity of Buddhism.

Since the Northern Song Dynasty Zhou Dunyi wrote in "the Theory of Ailian"

After the famous phrase "leaving the mud unstained, Zhuo Qinglian but not demon"

The lotus becomes the flower of a gentleman.

Wen Shulan

Crinum asiaticum

Don't call it Wen Zhulan, Rocks of Eighteen Scholars, Cui Dihua, etc.

Is a plant of the genus Lycoris of the family Lycoridaceae.

The name of Wenshulan may mislead people to think that this variety is an orchid plant.

But in fact, this variety is a stout perennial herb of Amaryllidaceae.

The florescence is from June to August, and it is fragrant in the evening.

Perianth lobes white, linear, stamens reddish

Anthers linear, apex acuminate, ovary fusiform

The fruit is subglobose, usually with 1 seed

Wenshulan is designated as "five trees and six flowers" by Buddhist monasteries.

(that is, one of the five kinds of trees and six kinds of flowers that must be planted in the temple according to the Buddhist sutra)

So it's widely planted. Manjushri orchids are beautiful in leaves and have high ornamental value.

It can be used as the green space of garden scenic spot, campus, office and lawn of residential district.

The ornaments can also be used as courtyard decorative flowers and hedges around the house.

Turmeric flower

Hedychium flavum Roxb.

Perennial herbs and fragrant flowers of the genus Zingiberaceae

Autumn and winter flowering, spikes, oblong

Bracts long oval, imbricate, with 3-5 flowers in each bract

The flowers are dark yellow, shaped like butterflies, and the smell is fragrant and refreshing.

Lip obcordate, yellow, with an orange spot in the middle

Apical retuse, lateral staminodes shortly petaloid

The flowers bloom in turn from bottom to top and are extremely beautiful.

Under natural cultivation, each bract can blossom 3-5, and each flowering period is about 30 days.

Turmeric flower is native to Xizang, Sichuan and Yunnan.

Guizhou, Guangxi, India, born in dense forests in valleys

The flowers are dark yellow, bright and fragrant.

The flowering period of turmeric flower is from August to September.

The flowers have a faint fragrance and are very charming.

The height of the mature turmeric flower is about 1.8 meters.

Egg flower

Plumeria rubra L. Cv. Acutifolia

Alias Burmese gardenia, yolk flower, Indian Jasminum, big season flower

Deciduous shrubs or small trees of the genus Apocynaceae and egg flower

The twigs are thick and succulent. The leaves are large, thickly papery, clustered at the top of the branches

The leaf vein forms one side of the vein near the leaf margin.

Several flowers gather at the top of the branch, Corolla tube-shaped, ca. 5 cm in diameter.

The outside is milky white, the center is bright yellow, very fragrant

The florescence is from May to October. Egg blossoms bloom in summer with a delicate fragrance.

Egg blossoms are designated as "five trees and six flowers" by Buddhist monasteries.

One is widely planted, so it is also called "Temple Tree" or "Pagoda Tree".

The tree is beautiful and strangely shaped, and the stem of the whole plant contains milk.

When egg flowers are cultivated in greenhouse, their leaves will fall in winter.

This is a sign of its poor cold resistance.

But after falling leaves, the bare trunk bends like a bonsai.

It also has a strong ornamental quality.

Burmese sweet osmanthus

Michelia alba DC

Evergreen trees, up to 17 m tall, with broad branches and a broad umbrella-shaped crown

30 cm breast diameter; gray bark; fragrant branches and leaves

The twigs and buds are densely yellowish white puberulent, and the hairs gradually fall off when old.

Leaves thinly leathery, long elliptic or lanceolate-elliptic

The upper part is glabrous, the lower part is sparsely puberulent, and both reticulate veins are obvious when dry.

Flowers white and fragrant; tepals 10 pieces, lanceolate

The pistil carpels are numerous, with the extension of the receptacle at maturity

Forming a sparse aggregate fruit of the mackerel; bright red when ripe

Flowering from April to September, blooming in summer, usually sterile

Burmese sweet-scented osmanthus is white orchid

It is a deciduous shrub of Magnoliaceae, and its florescence is in summer.

The fragrance of the flower is so strong that it can be smelled even 40 meters away from the tree.

Some people even buy some freshly picked white orchids and put them at home

Fill his home with fragrance

If the winter temperature is right, there will be flowers blooming continuously.

It's just that the aroma is not as strong as the summer flowers.

golden lotus banana

Musella lasiocarpa (Franch.) C. Y. Wu ex H. W. Li

Originally from Yunnan, China, it is a Chinese specialty flower.

The axils of the leaves of the pseudostem are real little flowers.

Fragrant, delicate, yellow and green

Add a delicate beauty, blooming for as long as half a year

Jinlian in Diyong is designated as one of the "five trees and six flowers" by Buddhist monasteries.

It is also the embodiment of goodness and the symbol of punishing evil in Dai literature.

In the south, if properly maintained, there are flowers to enjoy almost all the year round.

It is suitable for planting flower bed center, and it is also a good ornamental product for potted plants.