
The eight kinds of potted flowers raised at home often forget that watering can also grow brilliantly.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, If you want to raise some potted flowers that don't need to be taken care of often in the office or room, the following article can help you. They have little need for light, can adapt to bright indoor light, and have good drought resistance.

If you want to raise potted flowers in your office or room that don't need constant care, then the following article can help you, they have little need for light, can adapt to the bright indoor environment, drought tolerance is very good, often forget to water it doesn't matter, are some very suitable for lazy or novice maintenance plants.

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a very drought-tolerant succulent plant, can be raised in the window sill with appropriate sunlight, can also be raised in the bright indoor environment, the maintenance process must avoid frequent watering, the growth process can wait for the basin soil to completely dry before watering, many friends will aloe vera died because of too much water, in addition, pay attention to watering when not watering leaves, another key is to keep warm, the minimum maintenance temperature is maintained at 5 degrees above.

2. Longevity flower

Longevity flower is a succulent plant with excellent ornamental properties. It also has certain drought tolerance. Its leaves and rhizomes are full of water. During the maintenance process, frequent watering should be avoided, and water should not be poured on the leaves. The location of maintenance can be given appropriate light.

3. Tiger tail orchid

Tiger tail orchid is especially suitable for indoor foliage plants, maintenance process must avoid frequent watering, they like warm and dry environment, maintenance process pay attention to pot soil dry irrigation can be, growth period can be in spring and summer season to give a thin fertilizer, winter minimum maintenance temperature should be kept at 5 degrees above, avoid frostbite.

4, colorful millennium wood

The colorful millennium wood is a tropical foliage plant. It likes warm and humid environment all year round. It can be placed in the living room with bright light and ventilation to avoid excessive shade. It is enough to irrigate the water for more than half a month during the growth period. It can spray water regularly to maintain a certain air humidity and avoid excessive drying of the air.

5. Cactus

There are many varieties of cacti, there are many varieties suitable for indoor maintenance with few thorns or soft thorns, cacti plants are very drought-tolerant, their stems and leaves are full of water, do not need regular watering, maintenance also do not need regular care.

Cactus in indoor maintenance as long as there is bright light and a small amount of water on the line, container drainage is better, winter pay attention to avoid freezing.

6, single tree

Single tree is also a succulent plant, it will grow a lot of branches, almost no leaves, it is easy to change color in autumn and winter temperature difference and sufficient light environment, its branches will turn red, looks particularly beautiful and fresh, the maintenance process should also avoid frequent watering, cultivation soil should use loose drainage good sandy soil, summer to avoid excessive exposure.

7. Bottle orchid

Bottle orchid is also a very sun-resistant plant, open-air cultivation of the year exposure has nothing to do with it, raised indoors it is shade-resistant green plants, suitable for potted maintenance, ornamental relatively high. The bottle orchid has a swollen tuber that contains water and can survive for months without watering. When maintaining it, avoid frequent watering and keep the soil slightly dry.

8. Yushu

Yushu likes warm, bright environment, like sufficient scattered light and good drainage sandy soil, 3~5 hours of light every day is the best, try to water less, especially in winter, soil is not dry do not water, except winter, other seasons can be supplemented once a month thin liquid fertilizer.