
Collected by Lao Yan Lecture Hall (7)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lao Yan Lecture Hall (7) author: today, Lao Yan mainly tells you about orchid water control, proper water control is conducive to orchids to flower buds, especially in this season. First of all, I would like to tell you why to control water? Because orchids act as.

Collected by Lao Yan Lecture Hall (7)

Author: Lao Yan

Today, I mainly tell you about orchid water control, proper water control is conducive to orchids to flower buds, especially in this season. First of all, I would like to tell you why to control water? Because the orchid as a plant, it has a survival instinct. Orchids come to flower buds, is a phenomenon of breeding offspring, breeding offspring is an instinct for plants, especially when life is threatened. We use one of its physiological habits, when it encounters drought, its false rare stem will urge it to sprout, so we should learn to control water. Today, I will tell you a little bit about it. In fact, it is relatively simple.

The link of water control is mainly based on the watering cycle of plant materials. If your plant is watered every 6 days, it should be extended to 8 to 10 days in this season. If the original 3-day watering is extended to 5-day watering, this varies according to the "plant material". You should sum up the previous watering cycle for bluegrass, and then extend it for 2 to 3 days on the original basis.

It is necessary to increase the light appropriately sooner or later. Summer light is strong, but orchids can not be exposed, so try to do some astigmatism at these two time points in the morning and evening, which is conducive to its photosynthesis.

The water control period is about one month, 40 days at the most. That is to say, at this stage, the watering cycle is extended and the water is controlled for about 4 to 5 times. After this stage, it is still watering according to the original watering cycle. If you master this water control period, it will have an unexpected effect, and maybe a few more pots of bluegrass will blossom soon.

To sum up, there are about three points: first, let its life be threatened, let it dry a little bit, prolong the normal watering cycle; second, increase light; and third, control the water period for one month.

1. Why do you feel that the leaves of bluegrass have no luster?

The leaves of orchids are not glossy, there are several phenomena: the first kind of orchid leaves may be a little dehydrated; the second is that fertilized or medicated, the leaves will cause drug injury or fat injury, and the leaves will not be glossy; and the third grass will be kept in the shade for a long time. Lack of photosynthesis can also lead to no luster of the leaves.

2. What is the reason for buying Jianlan with flowers, whose leaves are very strong, and then have not seen flowers for three years?

There are two main reasons for not coming to flower: genetic determination and environmental conditions. Some orchids are born to spend frequently, and if they should come and not come, it is that the environment does not meet the conditions for orchids to flower. Can be divided into seedlings, do not blindly think that only large potted grass is easy to flower, in fact, sometimes it is possible to flower after dividing the grass. If it only has something to do with genes, this cannot be solved artificially. If it's a management problem, it needs to be done.

3. Is it not contradictory to control water in budding stage?

Water control is mainly to promote orchid flowers, do not want to let orchid flowers do not control water, according to the normal watering line, there is no contradiction.

4. Is Xie Pei easy to raise?

The relative price of Xie Pei is relatively low, and the seedling rate and flowering rate are very high. After planting, basically two seedlings can be changed into six seedlings in the coming year, which is still very easy to raise. But the best grass still needs the environment. It should be ventilated in summer. After passing the hurdle in summer, it will be much easier in winter.

5. Can grass be introduced all the year round? When is the best time to introduce grass?

In fact, the best time to introduce grass is in spring and autumn. Of course, for businesses, many businesses trade more frequently in summer. Why? Because at this time. Teeth have been unearthed, after unearthed, many tooth bud points are still very small, basically not seedlings, so it is very cost-effective to buy grass at this time. But for ordinary novice orchids, the introduction of grass in summer, because it is involved in online shopping, he has a transport link, if foster care does not exist. But in the process of transportation, it is easy to cause problems if the temperature is so high. Therefore, summer is not suitable for introduction, and the best season for introduction is spring and autumn.

6. A 30-square-meter glass sunshine room has been built. what facilities do the orchids need?

Glass sunshine room, if it is closed, you should first have an exhaust, such as a fan or fan. This is for exhaust, and then, uh, it is best to install a cooling water curtain if conditions permit. In fact, I do not agree with people to use glass, because in summer, it will be very hot, will be very endothermic, I suggest we use sunboard or film and so on, so the cost is still low. The glass room is good-looking, but the temperature is high, the first one needs to add fans, the second one needs to add cooling facilities, and the third one needs to add a sunshade net. Pay attention to these three points.

7. The leaf tip of the orchid leaf is burning

Burning tip is basically two points, the first is environmental factors, the overall ventilation of the environment is not good, humidity is not enough, will cause burning tip. The second kind, pathologically, that is, your plant is too wet, the air permeability of the plant below is not good, and the leachability is not good. Cause the root crystal head of some orchids, there is a rotten phenomenon, then it will also lead to burning tips.

8. Is it good to use fairy soil now?

The traditional sense of the fairy land, I heard that the effect is very good, but I have never used the fairy land. Because in the 1980s and 1990s, there were a lot of people using fairy land at that time, and the technology of fairy land was more complicated, but now because there are too many fake ones, it is very difficult for you to buy fake ones. So now there are fewer and fewer people who use fairy land, if you buy a real fairy land effect, it should be OK, but I don't use fairy land very often.

9. Is it normal for Chunlan to spend in summer?

This belongs to early flowering. If you blossom early, you may bloom a little earlier, but this is not necessarily true. I have met the bud that came in July before, and it will not open until March next year. Its vernalization process is a little longer, and some will open ahead of time. In other words, if a normal bud is unearthed, it may come to flower three months in advance, or it may not blossom until January or December next year. In summer, both Chunlan and Cymbidium will come to early flowers and flower buds, which is actually abnormal. Because it doesn't spend according to the normal season. So this kind of early flowers rarely have a good opening. Because his vernalization is not enough, he does not come according to the season. So, flowers bloom like this phenomenon.

It will be very ugly, and it will not be very strong or very straight. some, if they are very familiar with the breed, ah, some will just pinch it off. There are many uncertain factors about whether orchids will blossom or not, which can't be controlled.

10, the ph value of water is 8, need to acidify with acid liquid, with what medicine acidify better?

If it is 8, slightly alkaline, give it to neutralize actually do not use any medicine, the easiest way, add some white vinegar, edible white vinegar, can.

11. Can orchids be put into an air-conditioned room in summer? what matters need to be paid attention to?

Orchids must not be moved into an air-conditioned room in summer. It is very easy to die grass when moving into an air-conditioned room. Because the air-conditioned room is sealed, it can only play a cooling effect, can not play the effect of ventilation, orchid death in summer is mostly due to poor ventilation. In other words, in the hot, humid and stuffy weather, orchids are afraid of muggy heat, which leads to suffocation. In fact, orchids are not directly caused by high temperature, if you are a well-ventilated environment, high temperature, it will not die. But if you are in a closed environment, even if you lower the temperature to it, it is still easy to die, because it is afraid of boredom, so do not move indoors.