
If you want aloe vera green and fat, it's easy. I'll teach you how to fix it.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The growth of any plant is closely related to the five main factors of water, fertilizer, gas, heat and light. Today, we will focus on the most neglected item in the aloe maintenance process-watering. We all know that aloe is drought-resistant. ...

The growth of any plant is closely related to the five main factors of water, fertilizer, gas, heat and light. Today, we will focus on the most neglected item in the aloe maintenance process-watering.

We all know that aloe is drought-resistant. Even if it hasn't been watered for months, there's no problem. However, if it is not watered for a long time, it is easy to cause aloe leaves to dry and turn yellow. For aloe vera and fat and green, take a look at the following watering principles.

The principle of watering aloe is to dry, but avoid water in the basin to avoid rotting roots.

We can judge by potted soil. Usually, the topsoil is white, and the irrigated soil is squeezed without formation. If there is dust, it means it can be watered.

Spring and autumn are usually watered every 7-10 days. If there is a rainy season in spring, the interval between watering can be extended appropriately.

2. Summer and summer are characterized by high temperature and large amount of evaporation, so watering should be frequent, once every 3 days. In summer, you can often spray water on aloe to lower the temperature, so that the leaves will not burn at high temperatures and the tips of the leaves will dry.

3, less watering in winter, generally 30 times a day, watering time should be chosen at noon temperature. If the temperature is very low, choose not to water, because potted soil is not like natural soil, it has the effect of heat preservation. If the outdoor temperature is extremely low, the watering is easy to freeze to prevent the roots from freezing.

In short, the watering of aloe must look dry, so that aloe can grow normally and effectively prevent the black root of aloe. At the same time, pay attention to supplement the nutrition of aloe. Although aloe is not particularly fertile, long-term non-fertilization will lead to lack of nutrition and prevent normal growth. It is recommended to apply some thin fertilizer to aloe every month. Take Hualing horticulture concentrated nutrient solution 2ml, water 500ml, pouring.