
A kind of evil grass in the rice field 30 years ago, farmers dug it up and ate it. Now it costs 8 yuan a jin.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, There are many weeds in the countryside, whether they are in front and behind houses, roadside, farmland or mountain forest areas, they can be seen everywhere, but although these weeds are common, many people are not familiar with them, so they do not know.

There were many weeds in the countryside, whether it was in front of or behind houses, on the roadside, beside farmland or in the mountains and forests. Although these weeds were common, many people were unfamiliar with them now, so they didn't know what they were used for. Even some weeds growing in crop fields were often treated as pests. The following author introduces a kind of weed, which is often regarded as harmful grass, but its value is very high, and many older farmers still like it very much.

Many farmers who have planted rice should have seen such a kind of weed in the farmland. It looks very much like dandelion, but it also looks like shepherd's purse. The auxiliary land is dense. In spring, it has small buds and flowers like dandelion, but it is much smaller than dandelion's flowers. Because it often grows in rice fields, it is named "rice rub vegetable". However, because this weed also looks like shepherd's purse and is born in rice fields, it is also called "Tian Jie" in my hometown.

Rice and vegetable often grow in fields, wilderness and ditch edge, mostly in rice fields, wheat fields or rice fields, rape fields rotation fields, when wheat and rape crops grow in the early and middle stages, a large number of occurrence, serious harm, is a regional malignant weed.

Seeing this, many friends may think that this kind of weed is a kind of "evil grass" in rice fields, so farmers should hate it very much. In fact, in the past, many farmers not only didn't hate it, but also liked it very much. The reason is that this kind of weed is actually a very good wild vegetable. Thirty years ago, rural living conditions were not good. Many poor people did not have enough to eat, so they would dig wild vegetables in the wild to satisfy their hunger, and rice and vegetables were one of them.

At that time, in spring and summer, many farmers would go to wheat fields and rice fields to dig rice and rub vegetables. After digging them back, they could eat them directly after cold mixing. If the family conditions allowed, many farmers would also fry rice and rub vegetables with eggs, which tasted very beautiful.

In the past, farmers only knew that rice and vegetables could be eaten and used to satisfy hunger. However, the nutritional value of rice and vegetables was actually very rich. According to current data records, rice and vegetables also contained protein, fat, vitamin C, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and other nutrients, which were not only delicious but also nutritious.

In addition to eating rice rub vegetables, or a very good herb heat detoxification, according to "Compendium of Materia Medica" records, rice rub vegetables can be used as medicine, with heat detoxification, through the efficacy of rash, can be used to treat sore throat, dysentery, sore swelling poison, snake bite, measles through a variety of symptoms.

However, with the rural life getting better and better now, many people will not go to the rice field to dig rice rub vegetables this kind of weeds, plus now rice fields, wheat fields and other crop fields are often applied pesticides, so that wild rice rub vegetables are more and more rare, so that want to eat rice rub vegetables also have to go to some specialized planting rice rub vegetables farmers friends to buy, in the author's hometown this is the case, now planted rice rub vegetables are sold to 8 yuan a catty.

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