
Even the children said they were cute when they saw them. Raise these five kinds of flowers quickly.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What? Can flowers also be cute? Hearing this, your expression must be unbelievable, but I don't know, so you really out. These days, fat chirp acting cute, Erha acting cute, is not new, but even.

What's that? Can flowers also be sold? Hearing this, your expression must be unbelievable, but if you don't know this, then you are really out. These days, it wasn't new for Feijiu to act cute and Erha to act cute. However, even flowers could act cute. It was really interesting. How do flowers sell? Since flowers rarely move by themselves, except when blown by the wind, flowers are basically fixed where they grow, unless you artificially pull them up and move them to another place. After all, compared to animals, the mobility of plants was still much inferior. Many plants lived and died in the same place and never went anywhere else in their lives. Some flowers are cute, mainly by their own beauty.

Take sunflower, for example, sunflower round big face, plus its yellow petals, just like a warm little sun. And sunflower also has a particularly interesting characteristic, that is, it has followed the sun all its life, is a loyal little fan of the sun, the sun in which the sunflower face is facing which side, sunflower name ah, that is how it comes from it. However, some lovely netizens have been curious about a question. Isn't the sunflower rising in the east and setting in the west? Then when the sun rises the next day, how does the sunflower suddenly move from west to east? Is it a sharp head shake?

Sunflowers are also a very cute species, they are small, with colorful colors, like orange, yellow, red, together just like beautiful flowers. Moreover, sunflowers were often confused with sunflowers because of their own names. After all, sunflowers were also called sunflowers, but the difference in body size between the two flowers was very large.

3, narcissus Some children will feel very cute, this is because the root of narcissus is particularly fat like a white fat garlic. Narcissus flowers are yellow, the shape of the petals is not thin and lanky, but rather plump and round, so the overall look is really pleasing. However, daffodils are generally raised by the elderly, there is no strong fragrance, so it will not cause discomfort to the elderly.

4, to say round fat people like flowers, the first choice is hydrangea. Hydrangea's name is also very vivid, really and ancient hydrangea special like, and hydrangea color is light color, like what pink ah light blue ah, simply can not be small fresh. However, hydrangea flower is the only defect is too big, not mini, if a little bit smaller can be held in the hand to play with it may be more popular.

5, in addition to hydrangea, chrysanthemum is not bad oh. The flowers and leaves of the chrysanthemum were luxuriant. From a distance, it looked like a ball. From a close look, it was also chubby. The petals were squeezed together and could not be separated. It was a bit like a ball of wool that cats loved to play with. People could not help but want to poke it. However, the petals of the chrysanthemum were still relatively firm and compact, and they would not fall because you poked them.

Of course, lovely flowers are definitely more than these five kinds, just that these are the more common ones.