
The maintenance of triangulated plum in a wave of hot weather should pay attention to these three points away from yellow leaves and scorched leaves.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, After half a month of thunderstorm, most parts of the country ushered in high temperatures, with temperatures above 35 ℃ in many places. This continuous high temperature is a great test for the growth of potted flowers. I have received a lot of comments from flower friends recently.

After half a month of thunderstorm, most parts of the country ushered in high temperatures, with temperatures above 35 ℃ in many places. Such a continuous high temperature is a great test for the growth of potted flowers. Recently, I have received a message from many flower friends: matters needing attention for the cultivation of triangular plum at high temperature in summer? And the phenomenon of yellow leaves and scorched leaves in triangular plums.

In fact, the emergence of high temperature weather is a test for many flowers, and plants such as triangular plum, which are suitable for outdoor maintenance and bloom in summer, must be paid attention to when they encounter high temperature weather, otherwise yellow leaves, scorched leaves and fallen flowers are very common.

With regard to the high temperature weather and the maintenance of triangulated plum, we must pay attention to the following three points:

1. Watering:

First of all, plants must be watered in summer, or else they will certainly be killed by drought, and watering at the same time is a technical job. We should pay attention to watering time, watering form and water quantity.

Watering time: because of the high temperature in summer, watering must not be at noon, preferably in the early morning or evening every day. Do not feel that the hot day at noon to cool the triangle plum, this effect is on the contrary, the basin soil is hot at noon, after watering, the root system in the basin is like soaking in warm water, this feeling can think for yourself! The growth environment of plant root system is poor, which will naturally lead to the phenomenon of yellow leaves, fallen leaves and fallen flowers.

Watering form: decent high temperature evaporation is very large, it is recommended to water every 1-2 days, watering time in the early morning or evening, root irrigation can. If it is too dry in the morning or afternoon, spray water around the plant with a spray can to increase humidity and prevent the leaves from scorching.

Water quantity: it is best to check the drying condition of the basin soil before watering. The easiest way is to check the dry humidity on the small wooden sticks (chopsticks) to prevent stagnant water and water thoroughly every time.

two。 Lighting:

Although triangulated plum is suitable for outdoor maintenance, shading is necessary in such hot weather with strong light. If the sun exposure is excessive, the leaves will be yellowed and scorched, and so on. It is recommended that the potted plant be moved to a shaded place and maintained normally.

3. Fertilization:

If the temperature is too high, the physiological cycle of the plant will slow down and do not need too much fertilizer, so in the hot weather, do not add fertilizer to the plant, too much fertilizer will lead to plant fertilizer damage, fallen leaves, yellow leaves.

When you encounter hot weather in summer, other plants should also pay attention to the above three points! There is also hot weather, we must pay attention to their own health.