
Control of mushroom brown spot

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The rare mushroom-brown mushroom, also known as mushroom, its cover is thick, the meat is thick, the taste is more delicate and delicious than white mushroom, the flavor is more rich and palatable than Lentinus edodes, and it has high nutrition and health care value at the same time. Has become popular in Europe and the United States and the world's developed countries or regions of high-grade edible fungi, and formed its.

Mushroom brown spot, also known as dry bubble disease, often occurs on the mushroom bed and does great harm. First, when the symptoms come on, brown spots are formed on stalks, umbrellas and pleats, and depressions appear, and mushrooms lose their toughness, and when they are serious, mushrooms will rot. The shape of young mushroom is changeable, the edge of umbrella is serrated, or the stalk is curved, some are shaped like garlic, and the stalk is thicker than the cap. When the disease occurs on the mushroom, it often produces local brown spots, and the diseased mushroom becomes dry and leathery in the later stage, and the gray mildew layer is produced in the diseased site. Brown spot disease differs from white rot in that diseased mushrooms rot more slowly, without brown mucus and without stench. In the early stage, the symptoms of white rot are similar to those of brown spot. Second, the primary infection source of the disease usually comes from the covering soil. The bacterial spores on infected mushrooms spread with airflow and can also be transmitted by hand and tool contact with diseased mushrooms during manual operation. The disease is generally infected from the broken stalk and then spreads. Third, the occurrence degree of the disease is closely related to the temperature and humidity. Factors such as high temperature of mushroom bed, poor ventilation, humidity, and the accumulation of bacteria-carrying waste on the mushroom bed will lead to the occurrence of diseases.