
The remedy for the loss of azalea leaves and branches is too practical and wonderful

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Azalea is one of the ten famous flowers in China. Among all ornamental flowers and trees, azaleas are the most widely used ones, which can be called flowers, leaves and beauty, planted in fields and potted plants. Azaleas have always been a favorite flower for everyone,...

Azalea is one of the ten famous flowers in China. Among all ornamental flowers and trees, azaleas are the most widely used ones, which can be called flowers, leaves and beauty, planted in fields and potted plants. Azalea has always been a favorite flower for everyone. Presumably many people have cultivated azaleas. Many people may not know how to cultivate azaleas.

The cultivation of rhododendrons

1, like cool, avoid heat, like half shade, avoid the sun, like wet, avoid dry, like acidic soil, avoid alkaline soil, like light soil, avoid sticky heavy soil, like good drainage, avoid waterlogging.

Spring out of the room, the sun is softer, around noon azaleas should be appropriate shade. In summer, azaleas should be placed in a ventilated and cool place. In summer, reed curtains, bamboo curtains and sunshade nets should be used for shade. The curtains should be opened before 8 a.m. and after 5-6 p.m. Because rhododendrons belong to semi-negative flowers and trees, young leaves are easily burned under the sun. If summer long-term exposure to direct sunlight, it will cause branches and leaves withered, growth stagnation, serious when the whole plant died.

Autumn sunlight intensity gradually ease, before 9:00 am and 5:00 pm can make azaleas see more sunshine, late autumn placed in the sun, promote flower bud differentiation. Rhododendron is not cold-resistant, in the cold dew, frost should be moved between the hours indoors, placed in the sun. At the beginning of the room, attention should be paid to opening the window door for ventilation. If it is placed in the shade for a long time, it is easy to drop buds.

Winter room temperature to about 10℃ is appropriate. Most of the varieties have room temperature not lower than 5℃, but Western Cuckoo is afraid of cold and overwinters at room temperature not lower than 8℃. If the temperature in winter is too high, metabolism is enhanced, nutrients are consumed, which is not conducive to the growth and development of the next year. Acid soil can be used to conserve rhododendrons. Because rhododendron likes acid soil, pH 4.5 -6.5 is suitable. Basin soil loose requirements, good drainage, containing humus. 6 parts of moldy leaf soil, 2 parts of peat soil and 2 parts of river sand are mixed evenly or pine needle soil is used.

To improve water quality, it is best to water flowers with mineral-free water, such as rain or snow. In addition to storing rainwater and snow water, acidified water can be used, that is, 100 jin water plus 0.1% ferrous sulfate for perennial irrigation. If the acidity is not enough, less vinegar can be added.

Notes on Azalea Cultivation

Azalea roots as fine as hair, thick taproot few, it is afraid of dry and wet, especially afraid of heavy fat. If watered too much, the roots will be soaked in water, too dry, branches and leaves shrink, leaves fall off, a great threat to the plant, as for watered heavy fertilizer, it will endanger life.

After the flowers die, the residual flowers must be cut off to avoid fruiting and consuming nutrients. After the new branches sprout, the branches should be thinned appropriately, and the plants should be kept according to their growth. Azalea is most suitable for planting in mud pots, because the mud pots absorb water and ventilate, which is conducive to root growth and development, and the branches and leaves are lush. Potted rhododendron placement site has pay attention to, generally should be placed in the southeast balcony, and to ventilation, as little as possible to move. Without ventilation, it is easy to suffer from black spot disease and a large number of leaves. Azaleas should also be moderate to light requirements, avoid direct light in summer. Timely thinning bud thinning leaves, grow too much too dense buds and leaves to remove a part of the air circulation, nutrients concentrated to the buds. After the bud forms, must strengthen the nutrition, the right amount applies the spot phosphorus potassium fertilizer, otherwise the bud will transform into the leaf bud. The main reasons for azaleas falling leaves and not flowering are: too strong direct light in summer, frostbite, too much watering, too much fertilization, too long indoor time, no air circulation or dark and humid places, acid rain, etc., so these conditions should be avoided during maintenance. Turning pots and changing soil does not need to be carried out every year, usually once every 2 to 3 years, with as little damage to roots as possible. The time should be after flowering or autumn, and topzin should be sprayed at the same time to prevent diseases. Azalea pests are mainly military insects, terminal bud leaf rollers, red spiders, aphids, etc., available fenvalerate spray kill, the effect is better, such as three days after death, spray again. During the damage period, the insect was sprayed with 40% dimethoate 1500 times solution once every 7 days for 3 consecutive times. The control method of terminal bud leaf roller mainly depends on artificial capture and killing, larvae or pupae can also be sprayed with 40% dimethoate EC 2000 times or dichlorvos 1500 times. Rhododendron propagation method is mainly cuttage. Select new branches before and after mango seeds, 5 cm to 10 cm long, cut them off at the bifurcation point, strip off the lower leaves, leave 3 to 4 top leaves, insert 1/3 of the branches into the soil, spray enough water and cover with plastic film. Management should be strengthened at ordinary times and transplanted one year later.

Rhododendron also known as azalea, pomegranate, evergreen or flat evergreen shrubs. According to legend, ancient cuckoo, day and night whining and hemoptysis, dyed flowers all over the mountain, hence the name. Azalea flowers in general spring, each cluster of flowers 2-6, corolla funnel shape, red, reddish, apricot, snow green, white and so on, luxuriant and gorgeous color.

Soil selection: azalea breeding methods and precautions of soil selection, azalea is shade-loving plants, direct sunlight on its growth is unfavorable, so azalea special garden had better choose in the shade of trees, or in the greening design, take this into account, deliberately in the special garden configuration trees. Rhododendron likes acid soil with good drainage, but because all special gardens and landscapes need to use cement for roads and pavements, the soil of Rhododendron planting land is hardened and alkaline, so it is necessary to replace the soil of planting land and add a certain amount of peat soil.

Cultivation temperature: the cultivation method of azalea temperature, azalea is most suitable for planting in early spring or late autumn, planting must make the roots and soil even, but not too tight, and make the soil surface near the rhizome arc state, so as to protect the superficial roots of the plant from cold damage, but also conducive to drainage. Move out of the greenhouse in the middle and late April, first put it in a leeward sunny place, shade it in summer, or put it in a shady place under a tree to avoid direct sunlight. The suitable temperature for growth is 15-25℃, and it is placed in a sunny place in winter. The room temperature is kept at 5-10℃. The minimum temperature cannot be lower than 5℃, otherwise it will stop growing.

How to fertilize: azalea breeding methods and precautions of fertilization, in the late winter and early spring of each year, it is best to apply some organic fertilizer to the azalea garden as base fertilizer. 4-5 After flowering in January, azalea plants consume a lot of nutrients during flowering. As leaf buds sprout and new shoots grow, they can be fertilized every 15 days or so. After entering the ambush, most of the branches have stopped growing. At this time, it is the high temperature season, and the physiological activities are weakened. It can no longer be topdressed. After autumn, the climate becomes cooler, and there is continuous autumn rain. The temperature and humidity are suitable for the growth of rhododendron. At this time, topdressing can be done for the last time. It is generally not suitable for fertilization after winter.

Pay attention to pruning: rhododendron cultivation methods and precautions of pruning, pruning is an important measure in daily maintenance management work, it can regulate growth and development, so that the growth is vigorous. Daily pruning needs to cut off a few diseased branches, thin old branches, combine crown shape to delete some over-dense branches, increase ventilation and light transmission, which is conducive to plant growth. The rhododendron orchard must be inspected frequently. If dead branches and diseased branches are found, they should be removed in time to reduce the spread of diseases and insect pests in rhododendron.