
What if the leaves of the golden bell turn yellow when the weather is too hot? As long as you don't touch these.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The summer weather is hot, it is normal for the leaves of the golden bell to wither and turn yellow, only take good care of them, and when the summer is over, it will take on a new look. But when the nursing method is not right, things may be counterproductive, then.

The summer weather is hot, it is normal for the leaves of the golden bell to wither and turn yellow, only take good care of them, and when the summer is over, it will take on a new look. However, if the nursing method is not right at the time, things may be counterproductive. In the face of such a problem, how should we take care of it, and what is wrong?

Wrong practice:

If you pour too much water, many flower friends' inverted golden bell leaves wilt and yellow and feel that they are short of water. watering it once a day is not enough. in the morning, if you pour it at night, the result will be more and more yellow, wilting, and the rotting root is already dead.

Try to spray water on the leaves, hang upside down on the leaves of the golden bell wilting and yellowing and spray water on the leaves. There should be a lot of friends who have done this. In fact, leaf withering and yellow is lack of water, reasonable spray can replenish water in time and reduce the symptoms of water shortage. But if there is too much water, it will often be counterproductive, affecting respiration and photosynthesis, which leads to the deterioration of Ye Zihuang's condition.

If you apply fertilizer indiscriminately, the leaves of Admiralty will wilt and turn yellow, and many flower lovers will feel that it is caused by lack of fertilizer. Regardless of the high temperature and a lot of fertilizer, hanging Admiralty upside down will make it worse, and it will turn into dry wood in a week.

What should I do then?

In hot weather, the golden clock should be kept in the shade, as long as the light is bright, do not control the sun. Exposure to sunlight or too much light can aggravate the condition of yellow leaves.

Pay attention to the observation of the soil in the basin, if the soil is wet, do not water it, watering will lead to bad roots. If the pot is dry, water it in time to prevent the hairy roots from drying and drying.

Do not fertilize Admiralty in hot weather. Only water and fertilizer will increase the burden on roots, worsen the condition of yellow leaves, and even kill the whole plant.

In hot weather, you must breathe the golden clock upside down, preferably in a well-ventilated place for 24 hours. Many yellow leaves can be filled for a day, and it is equally important to have more ventilation and reasonable watering.

When the clock appears in the yellow leaves, it should be pruned in time, not reluctantly. Cut off the yellow leaves and thick branches, in order to save nutrients, the rest of the leaves grow well. Don't forget the idea that yellow leaves can turn green. Yellow is yellow and cannot be changed.