
Cultivation techniques of Paeonia suffruticosa

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Peony pomegranate is one of the rare and precious varieties of pomegranate in China, which is called peony pomegranate because its flowers are as big as peony. Peony pomegranate is a new tree species which combines the advantages of peony and pomegranate. It has edible, ornamental, green value, not only can be planted in the field, but also for families, tourist resorts to cultivate, open.

Tree peony is mainly cultivated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. Growth habits of peonies like warm, humid, sunny environment, fear of heat, cold and drought, fear of waterlogging, avoid continuous cropping. Cultivation techniques for land selection and land preparation: Sandy soil with sufficient sunshine, fertile soil, good drainage and low groundwater level should be selected for planting, clay, saline-alkali land and low-lying land should not be planted, and soybean should be used as intercropping legume. After the land is selected, it will be ploughed 25cm to 30cm, and the soil layer can be ploughed to a depth of 60cm. Breeding methods: there are many tree peony varieties, and because of different varieties and cultivation purposes, the propagation methods are also different, which can be divided into sexual (seed) reproduction and asexual (ramet, grafting, cutting) reproduction. Seed propagation is carried out at the end of July and the beginning of August. When the fruit is dark yellow (it can not be harvested too late), it is dried in a cool and wet place indoors (sun-dried seeds are not easy to germinate), so that the seeds are ripe in the shell and should be turned frequently to avoid fever. When most of the fruits are cracked and the seeds come out, they can be sown or stored in wet sand. The fresh seeds were soaked in warm water of 50 ℃ for 24 hours before sowing, so that the seed coat became soft and degummed, swelled by water and was easy to germinate. The treated seeds were sown in mid-late September, and more than 5000 kg of barnyard manure was applied to the seedbed. After deep ploughing and raking, the beds were 1.2m wide and 15cm high, with a spacing of 30cm. Mix the seeds with wet plant ash and then sow or sow them. The row spacing of strip sowing is 6 cm 9 cm, the ditch depth is 3 cm, and the spacing is 1.5 cm. After sowing, the soil cover is flat, slightly suppressed, and the sowing amount per mu is 25 cm 35 kg. During sowing, the topsoil of the border is stripped off about 3 cm thick, and then the seeds are evenly sprinkled on the border surface. Then cover the wet soil about 3 cm thick, slightly suppressed, the sowing amount per mu is about 50 kg. Cover 1 cm thick grass and then cover 6 cm thick soil for moisturizing and cold protection. In the early spring of the following year, remove the soil to preserve soil moisture and protect against cold, and water the seedlings once before they are unearthed, and then water them in case of drought. Remove stagnant water in the rainy season, and often loosen the soil and weed, loosening the soil should be shallow, topdressing once in spring and summer after emergence, applying 1000 kg of barnyard manure per mu, and pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests at seedling stage. The well-bred seedlings were transplanted in the autumn of the same year, and the seedlings with poor growth should be transplanted after 2 years. The transplanting site should be fully fertilized, ridged according to the row spacing of 70 cm and planted with the plant spacing of 30 cm. Ramet propagation was carried out from late September to early October. When harvesting peony bark, the planed roots and large ones were cut off as medicine, and some of the small roots with strong growth and no diseases and insect pests were selected. According to their growth, they were split from the rhizome and divided into several trees with 2 buds per tree. On the whole land, the pit is planed according to the row spacing of 60 cm, the depth of the pit is about 45 cm, the diameter of the pit is 18 cm 24 cm, the planting method is the same as the seedling transplanting, and finally the soil is sealed into a pile, and the soil pile is about 15 cm high. It is not suitable to water immediately after planting. Wait for 15 days before watering. Grafting and cutting propagation are mostly used for ornamental peony varieties, while medicinal peony is not propagated by this method. Field management to loosen soil and weed: during the growing period of peony, loosen soil and weed 3 or 4 times a year, and hoe in time after rain. After each weeding, the ridge planting is ploughed and cultivated once, until the ridge is closed. After emergence in the spring of the second year after planting, the soil around the rhizosphere was selected on a sunny day to expose the "bright root" of the root, which could promote the growth of the main root and inhibit the growth of fibrous root. Topdressing: peony likes fertilizer. In addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer, Rain Water and the Beginning of Autumn apply manure once before and after each spring, with 1500kg of barnyard manure and 100kg of cake fertilizer per mu, less in spring and more in autumn. Apply fertilizer to the edge of the ridge and bury the fertilizer in the ridge combined with soil cultivation. Irrigation and drainage: in case of drought, water should be watered in time, watering should be carried out at night, and stagnant water should be eliminated in time in rainy season. Picking flower buds: after peony budding in spring every year, in addition to leaving a species of peony, the flower buds should be removed in time to provide nutrients for root development and increase yield. Picking flower buds should be carried out on a sunny morning to facilitate wound healing and prevent illness.