
How should summer bananas be managed?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How should summer bananas be managed? Please introduce the management method Summer banana can refer to the following methods for management: 1. Fertilization: banana early vegetative growth to apply nitrogen fertilizer, combined with potassium fertilizer, at this time because the root absorption capacity is still weak, should be applied thin, combined with foliar fertilizer. After flower bud differentiation banana into...

How should summer bananas be managed? Summer bananas can be managed by referring to the following methods: 1. Fertilization: banana early vegetative growth to apply nitrogen-based, combined with potassium fertilizer, at this time because the root absorption capacity is still weak, should frequently apply thin, combined with foliar fertilizer. Banana after flower bud differentiation into reproductive growth, to increase potassium fertilizer, combined with compound fertilizer, promote fruit development, maintain the number of green leaves. 50-60 days before budding, apply bud strengthening fertilizer and fruit strengthening fertilizer once, apply compound fertilizer 1-1.5 jin plus decomposed organic fertilizer 3-6 jin per plant, and apply semi-circular ditch at 80-90 cm away from banana head. 2. To do a good job of bud retention and bud removal, bud retention must consider: (1) the growth of mother plants;(2) select healthy, uniform size buds;(3) maintain a certain plant spacing, reasonably retain double plants, and make full use of sunlight;(4) calculate reasonable harvest time when bud retention. The time required for banana buds to be harvested is generally 14-18 months. It is best to leave no buds on the mother plants below 1 meter so as not to affect the mother plants too much. In addition to the suckers to be retained, excess buds are generally removed at 20-30 cm. 3. Do a good job of piling high-type bananas in flower bud differentiation after the wind-proof piles, medium and short bananas in the bud before and after the wind-proof piles, especially in the typhoon season to strengthen this work. 4. Weeding and covering work Banana roots are shallow, to often remove weeds in banana garden, these weeds can be uprooted or cut down to cover, but also can be used as straw cover material. Water management. In summer high temperature season, no irrigation conditions, low groundwater level banana orchard, a week without rain will affect plant growth, irrigation work should be paid attention to. In the rainy season to do a good job in drainage work, so that no water banana garden. 5. Pest control. 5-6 Month is the peak of banana bunchy top disease and mosaic heart rot, so it is necessary to prevent and control it in time, especially to kill aphids and cut off the transmission route. At the same time, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of black spot disease, anthracnose disease, weevils and leaf rollers. High temperature and humidity weather in summer, coupled with typhoon, is very conducive to the occurrence and epidemic of banana scab, to timely spray prevention and control, in the early stage of the disease or after bud pulling before the bract, select 25% Bipuer 1000 times solution, or 25% Shenzhou Green 1500 times solution, or 77% can kill 1000 times solution, or 64% anti-virus alum 800 times solution spray ears and leaves, spray once every 7-10 days, the above agents alternately use. Bagging and protecting banana fruit as early as possible after budding to isolate pathogen. Click for more banana growing techniques Click for more fruit growing techniques