
How to fertilize sweet peppers in summer?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to fertilize sweet peppers in summer? Please introduce the method compared with other vegetables, the root system of sweet pepper is underdeveloped, and the root regeneration ability is weak after root injury. In particular, the current high temperature and high ground temperature are not conducive to the normal growth of sweet pepper, so topdressing management should be more cautious. Only reasonable topdressing can effectively promote.

How to fertilize sweet peppers in summer? Please introduce the method compared with other vegetables, sweet pepper root system is underdeveloped, and the root regeneration ability is weak after root injury. In particular, the current high temperature and high ground temperature are not conducive to the normal growth of sweet pepper, so topdressing management should be more cautious. Only reasonable topdressing can effectively promote rooting, cultivate strong trees and increase yield. First of all, before the result, a small amount of fertilizer is washed to promote roots and strong trees. Generally speaking, sweet pepper should not be flushed with a large amount of chemical fertilizer before fruiting, otherwise it is easy to cause overgrowth of plants. But in summer, sweet pepper is easy to take root and slow seedling because of high soil temperature at the initial stage of planting, so topdressing (mainly functional fertilizer) is needed to promote root and seedling. Generally, you can use Dayuan new fast shooter or chitin with fragrant run (20-20-20) to promote rooting. Dayuan new fast shooter uses 40-50 jin per mu and Fangrun 5-10 jin. Secondly, the initial results of appropriate amount of fertilizer, to promote fruit attack. When the fruit sits as big as a walnut, the topdressing should not be too early or too late. Early is due to adequate nutrition and water supply, plant growth is too prosperous and affect flower and fruit development; too late is easy to affect plant growth. At this time, topdressing can be selected Fangrun (20-10-30), 10-15 jin per mu. Third, the result of the peak period of a large number of fertilizer, protect flowers and fruits. As the plant enters the full fruit stage, at this time the plant is mainly reproductive growth, the main purpose of fertilizer is to ensure the normal expansion of fruit and normal differentiation of flower buds. A large number of plants bear fruit, the amount of fertilizer needed should also be gradually increased, but considering the factors of high temperature in summer, it is not suitable to apply too much fertilizer at one time, such as 15 jin each time, several times in succession. Click to get more sweet pepper planting techniques click to get more vegetable planting techniques