
How should summer cabbage be managed?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How should summer cabbage be managed? Please give instructions that summer cabbage is a Chinese cabbage listed between summer and autumn, which is in the off-season of vegetable supply and has considerable economic benefits. However, due to the high temperature in summer and more Rain Water, it is the season with high incidence of diseases and insect pests, so we must grasp the key links when planting Chinese cabbage.

How should summer cabbage be managed? Please give guidance Summer cabbage is Chinese cabbage listed between summer and autumn, which is in the off-season of vegetable supply and has considerable economic benefits. However, due to the high temperature and much rain in summer, it is the season with high incidence of diseases and insect pests. In order to achieve stable and high yield, we must grasp the key links when planting Chinese cabbage, select the correct varieties and take appropriate management measures. Summer cabbage varieties are mainly required to have heat resistance, wind resistance, virus disease resistance, soft rot resistance, strong light tolerance, moisture tolerance, short growth period, high clean vegetable rate, high yield and good quality characteristics. Such as heat resistant white-45, early 5, Xiafeng, Xialu, Xia Qiubao, Japan Xia Hui, Xia You, Xia Yang and other varieties of cabbage adapted to summer sowing. 1. Avoid continuous cropping, fine soil preparation and sufficient base fertilizer In order to reduce diseases and lack of a certain element in the soil, avoid continuous cropping with cruciferous crops, combine the characteristics of short growth period of summer Chinese cabbage, and apply organic fertilizer again. Summer cabbage grows vigorously, but it has a large demand for water and fertilizer, but it is not tolerant of waterlogging. In production, it should adopt the cultivation mode of heavy application of base fertilizer and semi-high ridge planting, so as to facilitate watering to moisten the ridge surface and drainage after rain. 3000~5000 kg of decomposed high-quality organic fertilizer, 30~50 kg of calcium superphosphate and 10~20 kg of potassium chloride or potassium sulfate can be applied per mu. II. Sowing at appropriate time to ensure complete, uniform and vigorous seedlings Sowing takes place from mid-May to early July. Sowing methods are divided into drilling and hole sowing. The seed amount per mu for drill sowing is about 0.25 kg, and that for hole sowing is about 0.15 kg. In order to ensure that the seedlings are neat and prosperous, the following points should be paid attention to whether drilling or hole sowing: ① watering along the ridge after sowing, but the water should not overflow the ridge surface, so as not to cause soil hardening and affect seedling emergence. 2. It is required that the sowing ditch or hole bottom is relatively flat, and the covering soil is mainly loose and fine soil, not too thin or too thick. 3. Cabbage sprouts are most afraid of sun exposure. They are usually sown in the evening or afternoon, so that the sprouts emerge after 2 days and are exposed to the sun overnight. Pay attention to pest control. III. Field management Early seedlings (divided seedlings), late seedlings, fixed seedlings. No matter drill sowing, hole sowing, generally thin seedlings 3 times. The first time is when the heart leaves appear (if it is not overcrowded, it may not be interrupted), the second time is when 2~3 leaves appear, and the third time is when 5~6 leaves appear. Due to the short growth period of summer cabbage, generally do not squat seedlings, fertilizer and water to promote the end. Water and loosen soil in time. Pouring small water every 2~3 days in dry weather and no rain. Discharge accumulated water in rainy days to prevent seedlings from being infected. After seedling setting, urea 15kg per mu is applied with water, and the second topdressing is carried out in the ball setting period, and urea 25kg per mu can be used. IV. Early prevention and early treatment of diseases and insect pests The diseases and insect pests of summer cabbage are serious, so it is necessary to find and control them early. The main diseases are downy mildew and soft rot. To prevent downy mildew, 75% chlorothalonil 500 times solution, 65% zinc 500 times solution, 40% ethyl phosphorus aluminum wettable powder 150~200 times solution can be sprayed at lotus stage. To prevent soft rot, 2~3 times of agricultural streptomycin should be sprayed at the rosette stage. Spraying 72% streptomycin sulfate soluble powder 4000 times solution before or at the early stage of disease, focusing on lightly diseased plants and their surrounding plants, paying attention to spraying petioles and stem bases close to the ground. Remove the diseased plants in time to reduce the source of bacteria and prevent spread. Insect pests are aphids, cabbage insects, etc., available 4.5% beta-cypermethrin 1000~1500 times spray control. Aphids must be exterminated strictly to prevent virus disease. 5. Timely harvest Due to the high temperature and humidity in summer, cabbage can be harvested when it is mature in July and August. The specific harvest time can also be determined according to market conditions. It is necessary to harvest and market when the price of Chinese cabbage is higher, so as to obtain greater economic benefits. Click for more cabbage growing techniques Click for more vegetable growing techniques