
Large area planting technique of Rose

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Now many netizens have planted lilies or sent lilies to relatives and friends. Today, I would like to introduce the symbolic significance and characteristics of lilies: Lily is a world-famous flower that has been loved since ancient times. Origin and distribution: temperate regions such as China, Japan, North America and Europe. Lilium is a perennial herb.

1, field cultivation 1, plot selection: Although the soil does not affect the quality of rose oil, but the growth and development of plants and flower formation and oil content greatly affected, directly affecting the economic benefits of cultivated households. Therefore, it is necessary to select thick soil layer, medium fertility, irrigation, neutral or alkaline soil (slightly acidic), damp low-lying land, watery land, shade can not be planted. 2. Rose seedling planting: The survival rate of roses planted in Huanghuai in early winter (November) and early spring (March) is high, and it is difficult to survive in other seasons. Before planting, we should carefully prepare the soil, apply enough farm manure, deeply plow and rake carefully to make the soil fine. The planting distance is generally 2-2.2cm, the planting ditch can be furrowed by agricultural machinery, the depth is 20- 30cm (depending on the size of seedlings), and the plant distance is 0.5cm, so as to ensure its safe winter. After the spring of the next year, the soil is dug up in stages to facilitate the germination and growth of seedlings. When planting, different varieties should be planted separately, which not only facilitates the collection and processing of different varieties, but also avoids the confusion of product fragrance and affects market sales. This semi-pass must be well handled, otherwise there will be endless trouble. 2. Field management 1. Weeding: Because the seedlings are small, weeds are easy to grow, so we should do a good job of weeding in time, so as not to hurt the seedlings and have no grass. 2, water and fertilizer management: water is the key to ensure the survival of seedlings, to achieve both moisture and waterlogging, so timely watering, to protect the soil moisture at about 80%. Fertilizer is the guarantee of seedling growth, therefore, before planting must apply sufficient base fertilizer, farm manure not less than 2500 kg per mu. After the branches and leaves grow out, in order to promote the growth and development of the plants, urea or compound fertilizer combined with micro-fertilizer (phosphorus, potassium, boron, etc.) can be applied once. Plant dormancy season in winter can be used farm manure or chemical fertilizer topdressing once. In short, according to the fertility of the land, seedling growth in a timely manner to apply fertilizer required for seedlings. Fertilization, planting in the light of the ditch fertilization, is conducive to plant absorption, can not be too close to the plant or directly applied to the plant. 3, pest control: (1) aphids, moths: harm the tender plant and leaves, available 40% omethoate 2000 times liquid spray or methamidophos mixed with water spray. (2)Scarab, small tiger: harm plant roots, available bait trap. (3)Rust: rust-yellow spore piles on leaf backs and stems, sprayed with 50% dimoxamine 1000 times solution. Rose planting (timing in November)17 months to harvest buds, three years into full bloom. The flowering period is from late April to late May, and the flowering period is full in early May. When picking flowers, receptacle, petals and calyx all contain oil, among which petals contain the most oil. Different parts of the oil, aroma are different, and half-open period, the highest oil content, the best oil. After fully opened, the oil volatilized, the content decreased, and the quality decreased. The half-blooming to full-blooming speed of flowers is greatly affected by temperature. Generally before 10 o'clock in the morning, picking with dew is finished, otherwise with the temperature rising, the fully opened flowers lead to oil volatilization, reducing oil quality and oil yield. Bud picking: to calyx tip micro-Zhang, bud tip red, budding before the best period. Flowers or flower buds after harvest, with bamboo cages or bamboo baskets, immediately sent to the local acquisition station for sale or drying. Storage time is too long will lead to decay and deterioration, resulting in unnecessary economic losses. 4. Rose cultivation techniques 1. Leveling the land: selecting a plot with deep soil layer, loose structure and good drainage to establish a rose garden, digging pits according to plant spacing of 50 cm, row spacing of 150-200 cm, pit depth of 50 cm, and applying 10 kg farm manure or bio-organic fertilizer to each pit. 2, choose good seedlings: to choose healthy rose seedlings, sprouting seedlings should have 2-3 branches; grafting seedlings require developed roots, stem diameter 3-4 mm, plant height 30 cm, to be planted with each other, transported to other places seedlings to be stained with pulp packaging. 3, reasonable dense planting: according to the requirements of about 700 rose seedlings per mu, because the seedlings are less, in order to save land, 1500-2000 per mu can be planted, the second year, can be transplanted or sold seedlings, spring planting in the early spring before rose germination; autumn planting in October to December, summer planting in rainy days. 4. Scientific management: intertill weeding and keep the soil loose. Fertilization is mainly organic fertilizer. Generally, topdressing is applied four times a year. Animal manure is applied for the first time around Qingming Festival, which is called germination fertilizer, and watering is timely. Animal manure is applied for the second time before budding or flower picking in late April to promote more and full buds. Biological organic fertilizer is applied in May, and winter fertilizer is applied in late autumn and early winter to ensure safe winter of seedlings. After flowering in June and dormancy in winter, old branches, diseased branches and weak branches were cut off to sprout new branches. Pest control should be paid attention to at all stages of field management.