
What about straw mushrooms and dead mushrooms?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There is a lot of wheat straw in my hometown. Can straw be used to grow straw mushrooms? Wheat straw can be used to grow straw mushroom, we should pay attention to the following points: straw mushroom is a kind of high-quality edible fungus, is a typical high-temperature mushroom species, suitable for summer cultivation. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth of volvariella volvacea was 3039 ℃, the optimum temperature was 36 ℃, lower than 15 ℃ or higher than 4.

Straw mushroom in the first mushroom often have small mushroom death should do? During the period of straw mushroom emergence, the young mushroom buds often atrophied, yellowed and finally died on the mushroom bed. The reasons for the death of straw mushroom are various, and prevention should be given priority to. 1. Mushrooms die due to improper use of water. Under the condition of high temperature, a large amount of water was sprayed to cover the surface of the young mushroom bud with a water film, which blocked the respiratory metabolism and wilted the mushroom. Especially in the case of poor ventilation and excessive concentration of carbon dioxide. Preventive measures: (1) starting from adjusting the moisture of the culture material, adjust the moisture in the culture material at one time, and try not to spray water to the material surface after mushroom, but only spray water to the air, ground and around to maintain the relative humidity of the air. (2) if the material surface is too dry, spray an appropriate amount of water. However, when spraying water on the material surface and mushroom buds, spray "ventilated water", that is, spray water while making the air convection, do not immediately cover the strict film after spraying water, so as to prevent young mushrooms from suffocating. 2. The young mushroom is too dense and dead. The amount of sowing is too large, the ventilation is too little, and the young mushroom buds are very dense, in which the large mushroom buds have a strong ability to absorb nutrients, and some small mushroom buds die because they do not get sufficient nutrients. Preventive measures: (1) the sowing rate should be appropriate and not too large. (2) pay attention to ventilation. (3) cover the fine soil to prevent the mycelium from growing out of the soil and lower the mushroom position so as not to produce mushrooms too dense. 3. Improper picking of mushrooms and death of mushrooms: during the harvest of the first tide and the second tide of mushrooms, due to careless operation, the hyphae of small mushroom buds were broken or broken, causing them to lose their ability to absorb water and nutrients and die. Therefore, when harvesting mushrooms, be careful not to damage the surrounding mushrooms. 4. medicine kills mushrooms. In the prevention and control of diseases, insects and miscellaneous bacteria, improper use will lead to the death of mushrooms due to drug damage. Preventive measures: (1) strictly do a good job of sterilization and disinfestation of culture materials. (2) when spraying insecticides to control diseases, insects and miscellaneous bacteria, the dose should be accurate, the spray should be uniform, and do not re-spray, so as not to cause drug damage to young mushrooms. 5. Too much carbon dioxide leads to the death of mushrooms. When the mushroom comes out, the mushroom room is poorly ventilated and the oxygen is insufficient. Coupled with the exuberant breathing of the mycelium, the heat produced can not be released quickly, and the young mushrooms die from the muggy heat. Preventive measures: (1) timely open the window or lift the film ventilation, and spray water around, using evaporation to absorb heat and cool down. (2) if there is exhaust fan equipment, turn on the exhaust fan for ventilation and ventilation, the effect is better. More planting techniques of volvariella volvacea and more planting techniques of edible fungi