
How do succulent plants spend the summer? Control the hand and control the water.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cause of death 1: the death of plants in hot and humid summer is mainly caused by sun death and bacterial death of plant infection. Many people say that plants should protect themselves from sunburn in summer, but this is not entirely the case. Succulent plants are native to the mountains.

Cause of death 1: high temperature and humidity

The death of plants in summer is mainly caused by sun death and bacterial death of plant infection. Many people say that plants should protect themselves from sunburn in summer, but this is not entirely the case.

Succulent plants are native to the Gobi at the top of the mountain. Who is going to shade them? It is not the sun that is exposed to the sun in summer and cold weather. In addition, foreign countries pay more attention to environmental protection, the content of PM2.5 in the air is less, it is believed that the exposure to plants is more intense.

Cause of death 2: bacterial infection and death

Due to excessive watering, the plant growth environment is too humid, high temperature and high humidity will cause plant fibrous root rot to form a wound, coupled with the environment suitable for bacteria to breed plant infection, resulting in the occurrence of plant rotting.

In general, the death of plants caused by this situation is irreversible, and often this disease occurs from the inside to the outside of the plant trunk. Once you find that there is a large area of defoliation in the plant, there is no hurry to save it, because the whole growth support system of the plant has rotted away. The only hope is that one or two remaining cotyledons can be successfully inserted, but according to experience, the general consequence of such leaves is to melt water.

Cause of death 3: "steamed buns effect"

The reason for using the word "steamed stuffed bun" is that it is very vivid and easy for everyone to understand. The reason for the formation of the "steamed stuffed bun phenomenon" is that many friends think that plants are easily dehydrated because of the high temperature in summer and the rapid evaporation of water. It is often exposed to the sun after watering during the day. Causing the plant to be like sitting on a steamer.

In the afternoon sun, you can steam your beloved baby in less than an hour, so go home and wait for the steamed buns.

Coping style: focus on solving the water problem.

In fact, there is nothing terrible to spend the summer, as long as a good grasp of the amount of water to spend the summer is still a very easy thing. The following is to provide you with some coping ways for your reference.

The main results are as follows: 1. Choose the plant material with good water permeability: mix the plant material with large particles to reduce the water content of the plant material, and at the same time promote the respiration of the plant root.

2. Change the watering time and adjust the watering time from daytime to evening. Personally, I mostly choose to go home to supply water after work. With the sun setting, the temperature decreases gradually, watering in the evening can avoid the steamed stuffed bun effect.

3. Reduce the single water supply: take a small number of methods to ensure that the water can evaporate before the next morning. This again avoids stagnant water at the roots of the plant. It is best to use watering in summer not to soak the basin so that excess water can flow out.

4. Ventilation: the main purpose of ventilation is to remove moisture. My method is to use an electric fan to blow from morning to night every day to spend the summer.

5. Plant material pavement with large particles is not easy to be pulverized: large-particle plant materials form gaps between particles and particles because of their own properties to promote ventilation. Prevent the accumulation of evaporated water from causing rot in the plant field.

All right, that's it. In fact, the key to saying so much is to solve a water problem. If you control the water by hand, the death rate of meat will be much lower.