
How to manage oranges in summer and autumn?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to manage oranges in summer and autumn? Please introduce that summer and autumn is the peak period of citrus diseases and insect pests, which is in the period of fruit expansion, which requires a lot of fertilizer and water, and is also in the dry season with high temperature and extreme heat and little rain. Therefore, attention should be paid to strengthening the management of citrus orchards in summer and autumn. The specific measures are as follows:.

How to manage oranges in summer and autumn? Please introduce that summer and autumn is the peak period of citrus diseases and insect pests, which is in the period of fruit expansion, which requires a lot of fertilizer and water, and is also in the dry season with high temperature and extreme heat and little rain. Therefore, attention should be paid to strengthening the management of citrus orchards in summer and autumn. The specific measures are as follows: first, apply enough fertilizer to promote trees and fruit. During the expansion period of citrus fruit, the root system has strong fertilizer absorption, and the application of sufficient fertilizer can promote the tree and fruit. According to the age and fruit yield of fruit trees, 25 kg of livestock and poultry manure, 1.5 kg of cake fertilizer, 0.5 ml of calcium superphosphate or bone meal should be sprayed with potassium dihydrogen. When new leaves are found to be deficient, they should be sprayed. In the case of high temperature and drought, spraying hormone can also promote root cell division, improve absorptive capacity, and have a certain effect on preventing fruit drop. Second, strengthen water management, flood control and drought resistance. Mountain orchards should renovate the drainage and irrigation system, strengthen the surrounding garden walls, clean up drainage ditches, and prevent rainstorm erosion and soil erosion. At the same time, it is necessary to do a good job in drought resistance and cooling to prevent fruit drop at high temperature. When the growth temperature of citrus is over 35C, the photosynthesis is weakened and the physiological function is blocked. Therefore, when the high temperature comes, it is found that the citrus leaves begin to curl, and it is necessary to draw water into the orchard in time to adjust the temperature and humidification with water; sprinkler irrigation or drip irrigation can be used to increase air temperature and soil moisture, loosen the soil, cut off soil capillaries and improve the ability of water and fertilizer conservation, so as to improve the orchard microclimate, reduce fruit drop, and promote strong fruit. At the same time, in the hot and dry season, it is necessary to cut grass or cover rice straw around the trees in the orchard to reduce direct sunlight and water evaporation, reduce the surface soil temperature, protect the root group, enhance the root activity and reduce fruit drop. Third, erase summer shoots and promote autumn shoots. As a result, trees are required to wipe summer shoots until autumn shoots grow, so as to reduce the consumption of a lot of nutrients and ensure that autumn shoots are strong. For old trees and trees with a large amount of fruit, autumn shoots should be put earlier, while for young trees and low-yield trees, they can be a little later. It is generally required to shoot from late July to mid-August. It is suitable for sweet oranges to shoot in August. Fourth, control diseases and insect pests and promote high yield and high quality. From July to August, citrus fruit is inflated, which is easy to be harmed by Spodoptera litura, which often causes a large number of fruit drop; when rust wall lice occurs, it will cause fallen leaves, and the fruit will turn purple-brown; red spiders will make the tree growth atrophy, deciduous withered branches, and leaves turn white and gray; leaf miner harms new shoots, and larvae feed under the epidermis of tender leaves, which will seriously curl the leaves and affect their growth. In this regard, in addition to strengthening soil management, we should also provide regular water supply and irrigation to protect trees and fruits. When rust wall lice occurs, it can be sprayed with 1000 times dimethoate or dichlorvos when red spiders occur, and 1000 times of dichlorvos or 1000 times of trichlorfon can be used to control the occurrence of leaf moths. The peak period of the occurrence of fruit-sucking armyworm is around August, so we should control it before and after its occurrence, remove weeds inside and outside the orchard, and artificially kill adults in muggy night. The diseases are canker, scab and anthrax, which should be mainly prevented. If the disease occurs, it can be sprayed with Bordeaux solution of 100%, or 50% carbendazim or thiophanate 800 times solution, and 50% carbendazim 600 times solution, the effect is also very significant. Click to get more citrus planting techniques click to get more fruit planting techniques