
Raise wealth trees in the living room. Pay attention to this point. The leaves are luxuriant but the roots are not rotten.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Fengshui is a very important part of Chinese traditional culture, and fengshui can not be ignored in family flower cultivation. Put it in the right place, not only to attract wealth and fortune, but also to grow better. So, where is the best place to grow flowers at home?

Fengshui is a very important part of Chinese traditional culture, and fengshui can not be ignored in family flower cultivation. Put it in the right place, not only to attract wealth and fortune, but also to grow better. So, where is the best place to grow flowers at home? come and have a look with the flowers.

Living room

Taboos in the living room:

The living room has a wide field of vision and bright light, which is a place for entertaining guests and daily activities. It is best to choose foliage plants with broad leaves.

Huahua recommendation 1: rich tree

Location: 45 °diagonal position of the gate

The 45 °diagonal position of the gate is the position of making money. Put a wealth tree here, which can attract wealth and increase wealth for the family.

In summer, many friends like to close the window and turn on the air conditioner. For a long time, the moisture in the soil of the rich tree basin evaporates slowly, and it is easy to accumulate water and rot the roots, so after turning off the air conditioner, we must open the window to strengthen the ventilation of the living room.

Huahua recommendation: good luck

Location: next to the sofa or TV

Good luck has the moral of bringing good luck, and putting it in the living room can add luck and wealth to the family. And good luck at the head of the bright red, but also can add a color to the living room.

If the light is not good enough, the color will fade, and if the light is too strong and the ventilation is not smooth, the leaves will scorch, so the living room with sufficient scattered light and good ventilation is very suitable for the growth of good luck.


Taboos in the bedroom:

The bedroom is the place where we rest and sleep, requiring a fresh and quiet environment. So do not put some fragrant flowers, this will cause the occupants nervous excitement, affecting the quality of sleep.

Huahua recommendation: Tiger Pilan

Location: by the bedroom window

Tiger Pilan is placed by the well-lit window to attract money. And it can purify the air in the bedroom, absorb indoor toxic gases, and is beneficial to the health of the occupants.

Tiger Pilan has a strong ability to adapt to the environment, as long as the basin soil is dry and watered, and pay attention to window ventilation during the day, it can also rub long in the bedroom!

Flower recommendation: longevity flower

Location: dresser

Longevity flowers mean health and longevity, peace and contentment, and there is basically no flower fragrance after flowering. Friends who feel that the bedroom is monotonous can put a few pots of longevity flowers to decorate.

The bedroom is generally sunny, with plenty of light but no direct light, which is very suitable for longevity flowers to spend the summer. Usually, as long as you see the basin soil dry, you can pour water thoroughly.

Study room

Taboos on display in the study:

The study is a place to learn and read, the flowers of the red department will interfere with thinking, and those with strong flavor will affect learning. It is best to choose green foliage plants, which can relieve eye fatigue.

Flower recommendation: asparagus

Location: desk

The stem of asparagus is nodular and placed on the desk, implying that the master's career and studies are "rising". If you place asparagus preserved in water bottles, there is also the meaning of "bamboo to report peace".

Asparagus likes the semi-shady environment, the general study lighting is not very good, so it is very suitable for the growth of asparagus. Usually as long as keep the basin soil slightly moist, occasionally spray a little water on the leaf surface.

Flower recommendation: rich bamboo

Location: upper left corner of the desk

If you have friends who go to school at home, you can put four hydroponic bamboos in the upper left corner of the desk, which can help improve your studies.

Rich bamboo does not have high requirements for light, and the scattered light environment in the study can meet its growth needs. In order to prevent its leaves from yellowing, you can put a few drops of ferrous sulfate solution in the water culture bottle.


Taboos on balcony:

Balcony is the location of the home directly facing the outside world, the light is good, but it is vulnerable to external evil attacks, the need to put specific flowers to resolve.

Flower recommendation: cactus

Location: balcony

The cactus is covered with thorns and can resist the evil spirits of the outside world. If there are hospitals and corner streets around your home, you can put a few pots of cactus on the balcony to resolve.

The cactus likes places with plenty of light, and the balcony happens to satisfy this. Summer balcony temperature is relatively high, after watering should pay attention to open the window ventilation, otherwise the cactus is easy to rot roots.

Flower recommendation: copper grass

Location: by the balcony window

The leaves of Tongqian grass are round, like coins, which not only means that they are round and full of good fortune, but also has the beautiful meaning of rolling wealth.

The balcony has sufficient light to meet the demand for sunshine. As long as it is watered in time, it will grow big and round, and good fortune will come.


Taboos in the bathroom:

The bathroom is the heaviest and most humid place at home, so it is necessary to put some green plants that are resistant to yin and high humidity. As the bathroom space of most families is not very large, it is recommended to choose flowers with smaller plant size.

Recommended: Dryopteris przewalskii

Location: place the rack next to the bathtub

Dryopteris can exorcise evil spirits and avoid evil spirits. Putting a basin in the bathroom can dissolve the evil spirit caused by too heavy yin in the toilet.

Dryopteris can absorb the smell of the bathroom and purify the air. At the same time, Dryopteris fern has little need for light, and the dark and damp environment of the toilet is simply a precious place for its growth.

Huahua recommendation: evergreen

Location: next to the sink

Ten thousand years of youth means health and longevity, wealth and auspiciousness. if the bathroom at home is in a bad position, it is best to put a basin of water on it so that it can turn decline into good fortune.

The humid environment in the bathroom is especially suitable for the growth of evergreen. Although evergreen does not have high requirements for light, but if there is no light in the toilet all the year round, you need to take the evergreen to a place with good light to bask in it regularly.


Taboos in the kitchen:

The kitchen is a place for cooking at home. It must be clean and tidy. It is best not to put plants with pollen. At the same time, the kitchen lampblack smell is very heavy, and the plants placed should have a certain ability to purify the air.

Flower recommendation: hanging orchid

Location: on the cupboard

In order to save kitchen space, you can put the orchid on the cupboard. The ability of the orchid to absorb toxic gases is so strong that a pot in the kitchen is tantamount to the installation of an air purifier.

Dry air and poor ventilation can easily cause the dry leaf tip of the hanging orchid, so it is necessary to spray water to the hanging orchid blade regularly and usually open more windows for ventilation.

Huahua recommendation: White palm

Location: kitchen windowsill

White palm is also called plain sailing, which means that the family is smooth and smooth. Put a pot of white palm in the kitchen, can remove the kitchen fume smell, purify the air.

White palm for air humidity requirements are relatively high, it is best to lower a water tray at the bottom of the flowerpot, usually you can also spray water to the leaves to increase humidity.

The best location for growing flowers at home

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