
How often are figs watered? how much water are there? Watering method of potted figs in four seasons

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, When we plant potted figs, we all have this question: how often and how much water do potted figs water? Because do not understand the growth habits of potted figs, it often leads to too much watering or too little watering.

When we plant potted figs, we all have this question: how often and how much water do potted figs water? Because you don't understand the growth habits of potted figs, it often leads to death due to too much or too little watering. Today, the editor will talk about how often and how much water potted figs are watered at a time.

Growth habits of figs

Before we talk about the watering method of figs, we must first understand the growth habits of figs: figs like a warm and humid growth environment, drought resistance is not cold-resistant, afraid of stagnant water, and it is suitable to be cultivated in clay loam or sandy loam with good drainage.

Watering method of potted figs in four seasons

Spring fig watering method: generally 3-4 days on the line, to keep the soil moist, pay attention not to water too much, figs afraid of stagnant water, more easy to cause stagnant water will lead to the phenomenon of rotten roots of figs.

Summer fig watering method: generally watering once a day, because hot water evaporates quickly in summer, figs like warm and humid growth environment, watering time is best controlled in the morning or evening, noon is not suitable for watering.

Autumn fig watering method: generally 2-3 days need to be watered once, to keep the soil moist.

Winter fig watering method: generally 7-10 days watering is the most appropriate, watering is best to use a spray can for watering, so that the amount of watering can be better controlled.

How much water do potted figs water at a time?

The editor is usually sprinkled with a pot, so be careful not to give stagnant water.

Points for attention in watering potted figs

Pay attention to do not need to water too much, figs afraid of stagnant water, more easy to cause stagnant water will lead to the phenomenon of rotten roots of figs.

The principle of watering figs: "see dry and wet"