
Kiwifruit planting technology: how to control late blight in kiwifruit with high temperature and humidity?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to prevent and cure late blight of kiwifruit with high temperature and humidity? Please introduce the method that kiwifruit late blight is a fungal disease, which rarely occurs in the seedling and adult period of kiwifruit, mainly harms the leaves and fruits of kiwifruit, and the general fruit suffers more seriously. The infection of the leaf forms a dark green watery spot with an inconspicuous edge, which is brown when enlarged.

How to prevent and cure late blight of kiwifruit with high temperature and humidity? Please introduce the method that kiwifruit late blight is a fungal disease, which rarely occurs in the seedling and adult period of kiwifruit, mainly harms the leaves and fruits of kiwifruit, and the general fruit suffers more seriously. The leaf infection formed a dark green watery edge inobvious disease spot, which was brown after expansion, which was similar to brown spot disease. When the humidity was high, white mold appeared at the junction of leaf back disease key, and the disease part was dry and brittle when dry. Low temperature and humidity are the main conditions for the occurrence of the disease. It is easy to spread when the temperature is 18 ℃-22 ℃ and the relative humidity is 95%-100%. The mycelium grew fastest at 20 ℃-23 ℃, spread by airflow and Rain Water, partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, insufficient base fertilizer, continuous rain, lack of light, poor ventilation, too much watering, and density was easy to occur. It is a kind of epidemic disease with repeated infection. For the disease of late blight, it can be treated by the combination of agricultural control and chemical control. Select disease-resistant varieties, pay attention to ventilation, adopt soil testing formula to fertilize, reasonably close planting, prune and remove central diseased plants and diseased leaves in time. The effect of timely application was good after the central diseased plant was found. The medicaments are: 3000 times tebuconazole, 50% tebuconazole, 50% tebuconazole or 25% Redomiol spray. The root can also be irrigated with 50% nail cream copper 600 times solution. Click to get more kiwifruit planting techniques click to get more fruit planting techniques