
What kind of pesticides are used in the process of growing tea?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to grow tea? Please guide tea planting can refer to the following methods: (1) the purpose of tea garden management technology is to prevent pesticide pollution caused by tea garden fertilization, pest and weed control, excessive chemical fertilizer and municipal garbage, sludge and other application pollution. a. Pest control. Agriculture should be carried out.

What kind of pesticides are used in the process of growing tea? Please guide the vast production areas and wide variety of tea in our country, which is not only an important consumer goods for the Chinese people, but also a major agricultural product for export to earn foreign exchange. At present, the tea market, especially the tea export, has high requirements for the quality and safety of tea. At present, "pollution-free production" has been implemented in China's tea production; vigorously popularizing and popularizing the comprehensive management technology of diseases and insect pests has greatly reduced the application of chemical pesticides in tea production; the use of some stable and internal inhaling pesticides (such as BHC, etc.) is prohibited in tea production. Promote the use of pesticides, plant pesticides and microbial pesticides with low toxicity, high efficiency, low residue, low water solubility and easy degradation, and establish a safe interval system for pesticides in tea production. Biological pesticides, including microbial pesticides and botanical pesticides, do not cause pollution to tea and the environment, have low toxicity to people and animals, and do not constitute residual toxicity, so they are suitable pesticides for the production of green food tea. In the current production of grade A green food tea, especially organic tea and AA grade green food tea, the use of the following biological pesticides is worth popularizing. Rotenone. Also known as ivy essence, is a botanical insecticide with a long history of application. Easy to decompose in the air, low residual poison, environmentally friendly. It has contact killing and stomach toxicity to insect pests. It has a wide insecticidal spectrum and a short effective period, generally 5-6 days, and only 2-3 days in summer sunlight. It can be used in the production of A-grade green tea to control tea geometrid, tea caterpillar, tea silkworm, leaf roll moth, coir moth, diamondback moth, small green leafhopper, black whitefly, tea aphid, with 2.5% rotenone EC150~250mL per 667m2, diluted with water into 300 and 500 times liquid spray. This pesticide can not be mixed with alkaline pesticide. Rotenone is highly toxic to fish and should be used to prevent pollution of fish ponds. Matrine. Oxymatrine, also known as oxymatrine, is an alkaloid preparation extracted from the root and fruit of Sophora flavescens with ethanol and other organic solvents. It is easy to degrade in the environment, and there is basically no residue. For the control of tea black moth and tea caterpillar, in the 1st and 2nd instar larvae, or during the peak incubation period of eggs, 0.2% matrine AS50~75mL was used per 667m2, 50ml of water was added, and diluted into 1000 / 1500x liquid spray. It can be used to control tea inchworm in organic tea garden, killing EC with 3.2% per 667m2 before the 3rd instar larvae. Click to get more tea planting techniques click to get more flower planting techniques