
When does lavender blossom

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Lavender florescence is usually in May-October, June-July bloom the most luxuriant, if you want to shoot or watch, this is the best time. It should be given a cool environment during flowering so that the flowering period will be longer. In addition, excessive watering or long-term exposure will lead to the wilting of flowers and shorten the florescence. Diseased branches, withered branches and residual flowers should be pruned after flowering.

I. flowering period

The flowering period of lavender is usually between May and October, and the blooming period is from June to July, and it is also the most beautiful period for flower growth. Its flowers are so small that they are rarely found when they first bloom, but in fact they began to bloom in late May.

If you want to watch the suggestion, it needs light when it opens from June to July, and this is the right time, whether it is shooting or watching.

II. Flowering maintenance

Lavender doesn't have to give too much water during flowering. It doesn't like the wet growing environment. Especially for potted plants, there must be no stagnant water in the potted soil. If there is too much water, there will be rotten roots, and the flowering period will become shorter.

It likes a cool environment, and it is best to have proper shade in the middle of summer. if it is exposed to the sun for a long time, the flowers may wilt. After blooming, it is necessary to cut off the position of the first section of the flower, trim it into a hemispheric shape, and trim off diseased branches, dead branches, residual flowers and so on.