
What should we pay attention to when planting pollution-free tea?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How should early spring tea be managed? Please guide the management methods of early spring tea as follows: first, weeding and loosening the soil: after 4-5 months of rain and snow in the tea garden, the soil has solidified, some have grown grass, and the soil temperature is relatively low at this time. Therefore, weeding and loosening the soil in the tea garden before spring tea mining is beneficial to loosen the soil and improve.

What should we pay attention to when planting pollution-free tea? Please introduce thank you for the following problems in the cultivation of pollution-free tea: 1. Strengthen the management of tea garden (1) promote the application of organic fertilizer in tea garden. Base fertilizer should be applied once in winter, sprouting fertilizer should be applied before spring tea, and relay fertilizer should be applied in time after spring tea, so as to prevent the lack of nutrition of tea trees and affect the quality of summer and autumn tea. (2) it is emphasized that timely ploughing and weeding can loosen the soil, clean the tea garden, promote the activity of aerobic bacteria-microorganisms, and decompose the content of humus, so as to help tea trees absorb effective nutrients, promote the healthy growth of tea trees, and enhance the stress resistance of tea plants. effectively prevent the occurrence of plant diseases and insect pests. (3) make use of the rich natural conditions of firewood and grass in the edge of tea area. A tender firewood and grass is harvested before spring tea, which is covered between tea bushes or tea rows, which can not only avoid weeds, but also reduce water evaporation in the soil and prevent autumn drought. After the tender grass rotted, it can improve the soil aggregate structure and improve the fertility of the tea garden. two。 Do not use pesticides to kill pests, advocate the protection of natural enemies-beneficial insects, to achieve the goal of insect control. In the survey of tea areas, tea farmers have reported that spraying pesticides will kill beneficial insects together, and the benefit is not ideal. What is worrying is that there are different degrees of pesticide residues in the refined tea. This point should be taken seriously. 3. The application of chemical fertilizer has a strict management system in scientifically developed countries, because more application of chemical fertilizer will lead to soil consolidation and destroy soil aggregate structure. This affects the normal growth and development of tea to a certain extent, and the quality of tea will be inferior. Tea farmers who hope to re-apply chemical fertilizer should apply farm organic fertilizer to ensure the improvement of the quality of organic tea. 4. Optimize the ecological environment. Around the tea garden, attention should be paid to the protection of the ecological environment, especially the windbreak forest belt and the beneficial birds and animals in the forest in the northwest of the alpine tea garden, so as to create a good environment for tea production from different angles. 5. In strict accordance with the technical specifications of different kinds of tea, picking and manufacturing. In particular, the machinery and equipment of the primary and refining factories, as well as the sites for stacking green leaves and other raw materials, must be clean and hygienic, so as to prevent the products from being contaminated again, so as to make the finished organic tea meet the standard of good color, aroma and taste, which has won the praise of the majority of consumers for Chinese tea. Click to get more tea planting techniques click to get more flower planting techniques click to return to the farming network