
How to control chrysanthemum powdery mildew?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to control chrysanthemum powdery mildew? Chrysanthemum powdery mildew mainly occurs on the upper leaves and buds of chrysanthemum. The surface of the affected parts is covered with a layer of gray hyphae, which forms a layer of dirty white powder from dots, causing the leaves to deform and the buds to open normally, affecting the viewing. The cause of the disease is mainly rain...

How to control chrysanthemum powdery mildew? Please guide the powdery mildew of chrysanthemum mainly occurs on the upper leaf branches and buds of chrysanthemum. The affected part is covered with a layer of gray-white hyphae, which forms a layer of dirty white powder, causing the leaves to deform and the buds can not open normally, affecting the ornamental. The main causes are overcast and rain, lack of light, poor drainage, high humidity, rapid reproduction of bacteria, causing the epidemic of bacteria. But the disease can also get worse under dry conditions. In addition, excessive nitrogen fertilizer, plant lodging, or insufficient fertilization, weak plant growth and poor disease resistance are easy to cause powdery mildew. Control methods ① to strengthen management: reasonable fertilizer and water, strengthen maintenance, enhance the plant's own disease resistance. ② chemical control: spray 20% trimethoprim EC 800x, or 50% methyl topiramate wettable powder 1000 times, or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500x. And pay attention to the alternate use of the above agents. As long as the prevention and control is timely, powdery mildew will not cause harm. Click for more chrysanthemum planting techniques click to get more flower planting techniques