
Jujube pruning: how do jujube trees pick their hearts?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How do jujube trees pick their hearts? How many times does the jujube tree pick the heart? Please introduce in detail that coring of jujube can effectively reduce unnecessary vegetative growth of jujube, save nutrients, slow down the contradiction of nutrient distribution between growth and fruit, and promote reproductive growth. Secondly, it can effectively improve the light conditions in the crown and improve the photosynthesis of leaves.

How do jujube trees pick their hearts? How many times does the jujube tree pick the heart? Please introduce in detail that coring of jujube can effectively reduce unnecessary vegetative growth of jujube, save nutrients, slow down the contradiction of nutrient distribution between growth and fruit, and promote reproductive growth. Secondly, it can effectively improve the light conditions in the canopy, improve the photosynthetic capacity of leaves, and play the dual role of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure. Third, the expansion of tree crown can be effectively controlled, which is beneficial to give full play to the advantage of population fruit in closely planted jujube orchard. Fourth, it can effectively reduce the workload of jujube winter shearing. Jujube coring is mainly divided into jujube head coring, secondary branch coring and jujube hanging coring. The operation methods are as follows: 1. Jujube head coring (topping) can be divided into heavy coring and light coring: jujube head is re-coring in the first ten days of May, when the new jujube head grows to 7cm, there is no space for the jujube head which is not reserved for extended branches and culture fruiting branches, leaving the base 1ml 3cm, and keeping the detached secondary branches. To make it develop into a woody jujube hanging. Because the lignified jujube has a high fruit setting rate, large fruit size and high quality, it is the main part of close planting jujube orchard to produce high-grade fruit. The new jujube head that germinates after flowering should be erased from the base as soon as possible. The jujube head is the newly born jujube which is used as the main branch to lengthen the branch and culture the fruiting branch. For the new jujube head which was reserved as the main branch extension branch, the new jujube head was coring when there were 5 secondary branches. Although this coring method expands slowly, it has strong and compact secondary branches and strong fruiting ability, which is an important technical means to achieve both growth and fruiting in young jujube orchards. For the new jujube left as the culture result branch group, depending on the size of its space, there are three secondary branches on it when the heart is picked. When the jujube heads left as extended branches and culture branches were coring, the earlier the coring was, the better the development of secondary branches was. 2. When the newly born jujube heads were kept as elongated branches and fruiting branches, the upper secondary branches grew rapidly, and the secondary branches could make the jujube strands (fruiting mother branches) and jujube hanging develop healthily, which laid a good foundation for high yield. For the strong growing secondary branches, the coring was removed when there were 5 Murray and 7 jujube strands, and for the weaker secondary branches, when there were 4 jujube strands, the fruiting branch was close to the main branch. 3. Jujube hanging heart: jujube hanging is the fruit branch of jujube tree, it has a large number of growing points (each jujube hanging has a growing point), and the growing period is long. Picking its heart can reduce the competition for nutrients at the growing point and shift the focus of nutrition distribution from growth to flower and fruit development. At the same time, due to jujube hanging and picking the heart, the development of leaves was promoted. The leaves are large and thick, which improves the photosynthetic capacity and ensures the nutrient supply for the development of flowers and fruits. The heart of jujube hanging should be picked from the half-large leaves of all dates before the first flower. Usually, the ordinary jujube hangs 12 leaves, and the lignified jujube hangs 18 Mel 20 leaves to pick the heart. Click to get more jujube planting techniques click to get more fruit planting techniques