
Radish planting: how can autumn radish be planted with high yield?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How can autumn radish be planted with high yield? Please introduce the method of planting autumn radish can refer to the following methods: first, there are many varieties and planting time of radish. According to the season, it can be divided into four types: autumn radish, spring radish, summer radish and four seasons radish. Use the idle yard to grow autumn radish.

How can autumn radish be planted with high yield? Please introduce the method of planting autumn radish can refer to the following methods: first, there are many varieties and planting time of radish. According to the season, it can be divided into four types: autumn radish, spring radish, summer radish and four seasons radish. The excellent varieties of autumn radish planted in idle courtyard are: Jinan green and crisp, heart beauty and so on. Sowing too early, high temperature at the seedling stage, susceptible to virus disease; autumn radish sowing too late, insufficient growth period, it is difficult to obtain high yield. The traditional planting time of radish is generally in the first and middle of August. Second, planting techniques 1. Soil preparation and fertilization. Idle yard, generally hard texture, after heavy rain, as early as possible deep ploughing, fully sunburned, broken bumpy, rake flat, apply sufficient base fertilizer. If the weather is dry, need to open ditches to irrigate water, ditch distance 1: 1.5 meters, 2-3 days later, immediately deep ploughing to make soil moisture. It is generally appropriate to have a depth of 20-25 cm. Radish root system is more developed, before ploughing, it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer, generally apply high-quality mature circle fertilizer 3000kg to 4000 kg, superphosphate 15kg to 20kg into the soil. Make the bed flat, so that the soil is loose, there is no bumpy, and the border is flat. In autumn, radish is generally planted by ridging, with a ridge height of about 10 cm, a row spacing of 30 cm and a plant spacing of 15 cm. 2. Sowing seeds. Radish sowing is direct seeding, when sowing, open a small trench at the top of the ridge, the ditch depth is 4-5 cm, after opening the ditch, pour a small amount of water along the ditch, wait for the water to seep, spread the seeds evenly in the ditch and cover 1.5-2 cm fine soil after sowing. To protect moisture and prevent rain, sprinkle a thin layer of chopped wheat straw after sowing, and remove the chopped wheat straw every other day or before emergence. Third, field management. 1. Seedling. When the seedlings grow to the "pull cross", the seedlings are interspersed for the first time. Combined with inter-seedling ploughing and weeding to remove weeds, weak seedlings and diseased seedlings. When 3-4 true leaves were produced, the seedlings were interspersed for the second time, and the seedlings were fixed at 5-6 true leaves for the third time. 2. Watering and fertilizing. Radish seedlings generally do not need watering, after emergence, if the weather is dry, it is necessary to pour a small amount of water, do not flood irrigation, otherwise, it will wash out the seedlings, expose the roots, affect the growth, resulting in lack of seedlings and broken ridges. After the seedling is fixed, a topdressing can be carried out. When fertilizing, open a small ditch on both sides of the ridge, apply 1215kg of ammonium sulfate per mu, cultivate the soil to help the ridge, and then water it. Radish "broken shoulder", in order to promote growth, should be timely topdressing watering, pest control. Apply 20kg ammonium sulfate per mu, ditch on both sides, cultivate the soil to support the ridge, and water immediately. When the third leaf ring unfolds, it should be ploughed in time, and it should be shallow rather than deep, otherwise the damage to the lateral roots will affect the growth. Water once in the next 6-7 days to keep the soil moist, and stop watering 8-10 days before harvest to facilitate harvest. Click for more radish planting techniques click to get more vegetable planting techniques