
What should I pay attention to in the later stage of planting cotton?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What should I pay attention to in the later stage of planting cotton? Please give an introduction to planting cotton to the later stage should pay attention to the following points: pay attention to drainage when cotton is in the flowering and bolling peak period, rain is large, light is less, the field water capacity is basically saturated, keep the cotton field drainage unblocked, and it is particularly critical not to have ponding. After a few minutes, I went to the bathroom.

What should we pay attention to in the later stage of planting cotton? Please give an introduction to the following points that should be paid attention to in the later stage of planting cotton: pay attention to waterlogging when cotton is in the peak period of flowering and boll setting, Rain Water is large, the light is less, the field capacity is basically saturated, it is particularly important to keep the cotton field drainage unobstructed and no stagnant water. After proper watering, the drought is often serious. During the period from mid-August to mid-September, the soil water content of 040 cm should be kept at more than 55% of the field capacity. If it is lower than this index, small water should be irrigated or watered between rows. Do not flood or soak. In the cotton field after rain or watering, the ground is hardened, the permeability is poor, and the root activity decreases, so the animal power can be used for shallow ploughing or artificial hoeing, which does little damage to fruit branches and cotton bolls, and loosening the soil should be shallow rather than deep. Extra-root topdressing a large amount of rainfall will cause fertilizer loss, but extra-root topdressing can supplement nutrients. Specific method: from the flower and boll period, every 667 square meters with 150 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate 200 grams, Luheng will charge 10 milliliters, 100 grams of borax, 100 grams of zinc sulfate, 400 grams of urea, 50 kilograms of water, fully mixed, sprayed every 10 to 15 days, a total of 2 times 3 times. Sunny days after 4 pm spray, cloudy days can be carried out throughout the day, do not spray in high temperature, strong light, so as not to spray water evaporation too fast, a sharp increase in concentration of leaf burning phenomenon. Timely topping and pruning cotton into the bud stage, we should properly remove 4 and 5 early buds on the first and second layers of fruit branches, promote cotton to build a high-yield frame early, and concentrate on sitting peaches; remove the top before the Beginning of Autumn, and wipe off the superfluous buds in time after topping. Due to sufficient water and removal of the center, the edge and leaf branches grow faster, so they should be pruned in time to promote the transformation of nutrients to reproductive growth, so as to achieve the purpose of protecting young bolls and increasing boll weight. Scientific control of cotton aphids, cotton bollworm and other pests have strong resistance to insecticides, so we should pay attention to mixed and rotational use of drugs. The commonly used pesticides are: 2.5% deltamethrin EC 1000 times, 50% methyl 1605 EC 1000 times and Bt preparation 1000 times, 50% monocrotophos 1500 times and 20% chlorhexidine 2000 times. Click to get more cotton planting technology click to get more food crop planting technology