
Ministry of Agriculture to do a solid job in livestock slaughtering supervision to ensure livestock and poultry products

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture has closely focused on the main line of deepening reform to promote development and strengthening supervision to ensure safety. On the one hand, the Ministry of Agriculture has adjusted the supervision responsibilities of slaughtering, on the other hand, the Ministry of Agriculture has paid close attention to the supervision of slaughtering industry, and the management of livestock and poultry slaughtering industry has achieved positive results, effectively guaranteeing the people's tongue.

Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture has closely focused on the main line of "deepening reform and promoting development, strengthening supervision and ensuring safety." on the one hand, it has grasped the adjustment of the responsibilities of slaughtering supervision, and on the other hand, it has grasped the supervision of the slaughtering industry. The management of the livestock and poultry slaughtering industry has achieved positive results, effectively ensuring the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of the people.

Strengthen supervision and guidance and establish a new system of slaughtering supervision

The Ministry of Agriculture regards the adjustment of the responsibility of slaughtering supervision as the top priority of the management of the slaughtering industry and takes a variety of measures to vigorously promote it. 104 batches of supervision (inspection) teams have been sent four times to supervise and inspect the localities. In May and August respectively, two letters were sent to the provinces where the adjustment of slaughtering supervision responsibilities in cities and counties was slow, to promote local governments to speed up the adjustment of slaughtering supervision responsibilities. By the end of November, the rate of adjustment of slaughtering supervision duties at the city and county levels had reached 95% and 90% respectively, accomplishing the target task of adjusting slaughtering supervision duties.

Strengthen risk control to ensure the quality and safety of livestock and poultry products

In order to ensure the quality and safety of livestock and poultry products, the Ministry of Agriculture highlights the key links, pays close attention to supervision and law enforcement, crack down on crimes, and build a new order for the healthy development of the slaughtering industry. Jointly issued with the State Food and Drug Administration, the "opinions of the Food and Drug Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture on further strengthening the slaughtering, inspection and quarantine of livestock and poultry and the supervision of livestock and poultry products after entering the market or production and processing enterprises", further refined and materialized the supervision measures for livestock and poultry slaughtering, inspection and quarantine and after livestock and poultry products entered the market or production and processing enterprises. At the same time, we should earnestly strengthen the construction of slaughtering and quarantine team, and put forward the "five forbidden"hard measures" of slaughtering and quarantine. We continued to organize and carry out special crackdown on pig slaughtering. throughout the year, a total of 6042 illegal slaughtering cases were investigated and dealt with, 749 private slaughtering sites were smashed, and a fine of 17.92 million yuan was imposed. We will carry out in-depth verification and clean-up work on the qualification of designated pig slaughtering, and clean up and ban 1694 designated pig slaughtering sites that do not meet the requirements for establishment. Strengthen the supervision of "clenbuterol" in pig slaughtering and organize more than 3.62 million samples from all over the country.

Guide the development of industry and promote the transformation and upgrading of slaughtering industry

The Ministry of Agriculture has steadily promoted the transformation and upgrading of the livestock and poultry slaughtering industry, studied and formulated industrial development plans, and organized the drafting of the Ministry of Agriculture's guidance on promoting the healthy Development of Livestock and Poultry slaughtering Industry. Clear objectives, tasks and main measures for the development of the slaughtering industry during the 13th five-year Plan period. The Circular of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture on further doing a good job in statistical monitoring of livestock and poultry slaughtering shall be issued to effectively carry out statistical monitoring of livestock and poultry slaughtering. Strengthen the research on the development of the slaughtering industry, organize the analysis of the operation situation of pig slaughtering, and compile the 2014 Research report on the Development of China's Pig slaughtering Industry. At the same time, the knowledge of slaughtering supervision and scientific consumption of meat should be widely publicized to create a good social atmosphere for the development of the slaughtering industry.

In the next stage, the Ministry of Agriculture will continue to thoroughly implement the overall arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on ensuring food safety, strive to promote the construction of a standard system of slaughtering laws and regulations, take various measures to strengthen the management of the slaughtering industry, and organize various localities to further strengthen the supervision of livestock and poultry slaughtering. vigorously guide the transformation and upgrading of the slaughtering industry, and earnestly grasp, grasp and achieve results in the work of quality and safety of livestock and poultry slaughtering products.