
How to prevent cotton bolls from falling off at high temperature?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to prevent cotton bolls from falling off at high temperature? Please introduce control methods cotton high temperature boll drop can refer to the following methods for control: first, heavy application of flower boll fertilizer. Flower and boll fertilizer is usually applied in 2-3 times. The first and second treatments were applied at flowering and about 10 days after flowering. Acre dressing available nitrogen fertilizer 10 - 15 kg, potassium...

How to prevent the shedding of cotton flowers and bolls at high temperature? Please introduce the prevention and control methods of cotton high temperature flower and boll shedding can be prevented by referring to the following methods: first, re-apply flower and boll fertilizer. Flower and boll fertilizer is generally applied in 2-3 times. The first and second time were applied about 10 days after seeing the flower and seeing the flower. Available nitrogen fertilizer 10 kg / mu and potash fertilizer 5-10 kg / mu should be applied to some fields that often occur such as Fusarium wilt, Verticillium wilt or red leaf stem blight caused by potassium deficiency, so as to improve the disease resistance of cotton. The third time is carried out before the end of July, it is appropriate to apply 5 kg nitrogen fertilizer per mu, and the application period should not be too late. Too late or too much application will easily lead to greedy green and late ripening of cotton. Second, watering the flower bell water in time. The flowering and boll period is in dog days, which is the largest leaf water transpiration of cotton, and it is also the period of the largest water demand in cotton life. if the soil moisture is insufficient in this period, it is easy to cause water imbalance in cotton, hinder metabolism and cause a large number of buds and bolls to fall off. Therefore, when the weather shows drought, if it is found that the cotton plant wilts before 11:00 in the morning, it should be irrigated in time if it can not return to normal after 5 pm. Irrigation time had better be carried out in the morning and evening to avoid excessive temperature difference between soil and water and cause sudden shedding of cotton buds and bolls. Third, scientific chemical control. Pay attention to one principle: early, light and diligent. Early, that is, 4 days before watering and fertilization or timely chemical control after rainfall, spraying too late, can not play the due role of chemical control. Light, is to prevent the application of propranolol concentration is too large, cotton growth is blocked, so spraying must be a small number of times, rather light than heavy. Spraying drugs can use metoprolol, Zhuangzhu or foliar fertilizers containing this kind of active ingredients, such as Zongjiling and so on. Click to get more cotton planting technology click to get more food crop planting technology