
I heard that clematis has a lot of airs. This shelf is not that shelf.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Clematis, as a trailing plant, is naturally inseparable from the help of shelves or the proper guidance of its own branches to form a plant type. The shelf here refers to building a shelf for clematis so that its long branches have a place to live, rather than.

Clematis, as a trailing plant, is naturally inseparable from the help of shelves or the proper guidance of its own branches to form a plant type. The shelf here refers to building a shelf for clematis to give its long branches a place to live, not to put on airs. Do the friends know how to build shelves for clematis? Or when can we put it on a shelf? The editor will answer these questions one by one later, friends, don't panic! You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Clematis also need to build shelves and do not need, so friends should first find out the details of clematis before they can decide which way to make a living for the branches.

Building shelves for clematis has to be treated differently according to its varieties. Clematis of spring flower type are new shoots into flowers, so for clematis of spring flower type, the germinating new shoots only need to bind and guide branches properly, so that the plant shape can be maintained. But it is worth noting that pruning should not be carried out at this time to prevent the flower buds from being cut off, so the loss outweighs the gain, and you will have no flowers to enjoy in the following year.

When will it be trimmed? You can't watch it grow hard. The editor suggests that it can be carried out in autumn, that is, light pruning during the dormant period of clematis. You only need to cut off the dense, sick, thin and withered branches, and there is no need to be bold. Clematis clematis branches are somewhat fragile and slender, so they need to be treated carefully and can be tied and pulled.

For the small iron who needs to build a shelf, the following matters need to be paid attention to. The branches of the small iron are quite fragile and need to be treated carefully.

In courtyard cultivation, friends can build shelves with wood and bamboo to let the new branches of clematis extend upward to form a tower. If it is a potted clematis, be sure to set up the shelf at one time. If you want to move again in the future, it is best to move with pots and flowers. When clematis grows to a certain height, the stem becomes Lignified and is easily broken.

It is worth noting that clematis are formed at one time by building shelves. Removing branches and changing shelves are taboos for clematis, which are bound to damage clematis, except for clematis that do not need shelves.