
Sisters with thick black skin, dark yellow skin and long spots self-check: see what's wrong with the body.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Many sisters often encounter this kind of situation. I don't know when the originally good skin starts to become dark or yellowish, dark and pale. All of a sudden, the whole person loses his spirit like his face can't be washed clean and thinks he can't rest well.

Many sisters often encounter this kind of situation.

Skin with a good foundation

I don't know when to start.

Become dark and dull.

Or yellowing, dark hair, bad complexion.

The whole person suddenly lost his spirit.

It's like you can't wash your face clean.

I thought I didn't have a good rest.

Lack of nutrition and moisture in the skin

There is still no improvement after skin care.

Even began to grow spots.

Try all kinds of methods in a hurry

The result is good and bad, one comes and goes.

The skin is getting worse and worse, not doing worse, falling into an endless cycle.

Joined the ranks of aged woman prematurely.

Women, do not ignore the problem of face!

According to traditional Chinese medicine, "if you have everything inside, you must be out of shape." the complexion of a woman is a barometer of the health of the internal organs of the body. When there is a problem in the body, it shows up on the facial skin.

Once the skin appears dark, yellowing, or even growing spots, this is the alarm signal given to you after the internal maladjustment of the body.

If it is not treated correctly in time, the skin will become thick, dark and yellow, color spots will be rampant, affecting beauty, and serious cases will induce a variety of chronic diseases and gynecological diseases.

Facial yellowing

The normal metabolism of the skin is affected by viscera disorders, the garbage toxin and melanin produced by the epidermis can not be metabolized and excreted normally, and the nutrition can not be transported to the epidermal cells, resulting in dark and dull skin.

Generally because of blood hypoxia, qi and blood blockage, choroid block lead to more waste in the blood, blood stasis hinders the normal circulation, resulting in the lack of qi and blood nourishment of the skin, often accompanied by dampness.

Rough and dark

Where are the spots on the face?

There is "blood stasis" everywhere in the body.

Plaques on the face, bruises in the body. Qi and blood stasis can cause metabolic disorders, metabolic waste and toxins, necrotic cells, bacterial remains and melanin will stasis in the body, forming color spots in different parts of the face.


Long spots on the forehead or temple

Long spots in temples, hepatobiliary dysfunction, liver depression and qi stagnation. Long spots on the forehead, weak digestive function, accompanied by symptoms of poor sleep.

Spots appear in the middle of the bridge of the nose

There is chloasma in the middle of the nose and the complexion is blue and yellow, which is mostly caused by liver qi depression. Women suffering from liver-qi depression are generally caused by emotional failure or mental stress at work.



Chloasma appears at the length of the cheekbone.

The lateral side of the zygomatic bone is the response area of the kidney. The appearance of shortness of breath, loss of appetite, chest tightness and palpation, abdominal distension and other symptoms indicate the weakening of digestive system and heart function. The corresponding cheekbones are prone to chloasma.

The upper lip is spotted.

It is caused by deficiency of qi, and the symptoms of deficiency and cold of large intestine are also shown here. Here there are spots accompanied by constipation, irregular menstruation and other diseases, we need to guard against uterine and ovarian diseases.



Lateral chloasma of mandible

There are human meridians and collaterals such as stomach meridian, large intestine meridian and small intestinal meridian on the outside of the mandible. The appearance of chloasma here indicates poor blood circulation of the lower extremities, accompanied by soreness of the lower extremities, sore waist and knees, cold hands and feet, and so on.


These conditions often occur after the age of 28, because after the age of 28, the energy, control and metabolic ability of the female body begin to decline, and so does the ability of internal regulation. In addition, external factors such as irregular work and rest, mental stress, pregnancy and childbirth, and exposure to or use of various hormones are all causes.

Good women are raised.

As long as the internal viscera is recuperated and qi and blood is replenished, qi and blood can be activated to clear blood stasis, clear blood and break stagnation, camp blood and nourish beauty. At the same time, replenish all kinds of nutrients that the skin likes to eat and foods that have the effect of suppressing black and white, do a good job of "internal nourishment and external care", after each skin change cycle, the skin will become more and more fair!

The secret of fair skin without spots

Hidden in a bowl of soup.

It is not an ordinary bowl of tea.

It condenses the essence of nature.

A legendary beauty tea soup

Nearly a hundred large beauty and health care institutions are customized with secret "secret internal blending tea".

After being personally used by a talented actress, she became popular in the performing arts industry in Beijing and was known as "star beauty soup".

At the 2012 Asia-Pacific Meibo, a Japanese company tried to buy out the formula, but it was politely rejected by the company, which caused a sensation in the industry.

What's in a bowl of soup?

Safflower promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, promote metabolism, discharge melanin, and accelerate the decomposition of melanin in the body, whitening effect is good!

Ejiao can replenish qi and nourish blood for a long time, have no spots on the face, reduce wrinkles and delay aging.

White Poria cocos can enhance the activity of cells and tissues, improve the immunity of the body, and make the skin more moisturized and whiter.

Germanium specially contained in Ganoderma lucidum can inhibit melanin, increase the ability of human blood to absorb oxygen by 1.5 times, promote metabolism and delay aging.

Ginkgo can remove blood garbage and slow down skin aging. Make the skin soft and smooth, white and delicate, known as a whitening "living fossil".

Double rose is rich in vitamin C. the sugar in the rose has a powerful moisturizing and water-locking function, which can restrain the skin and tighten the pores, making the skin delicate and shiny.

As well as Angelica dahurica, Chinese wolfberry, jujube, pearl powder and other valuable ingredients with the same origin of medicine and food.

These natural skin-nourishing essences

What happens when you merge together?

This tea soup can replenish blood and nourish qi, recuperate qi, blood and viscera, supplement various nutrients, trace elements and unique anti-black and white substances needed by the skin, restore normal skin metabolism and expel garbage, toxins and melanin. A "fill" a "row" and then grow out of the skin is fair and bright, like taking off a new layer of skin.

Thousands of sisters have experienced it.

Word of mouth is handed down

Taste good

The effect is good

Have a good reputation

There are more than a dozen kinds of valuable ingredients in the group.

(very fastidious about the origin, eating age and picking time, etc.)

The technology of breaking plant wall is adopted.

(the effect of brewing is equivalent to simmering for 3 hours.)

All choose ingredients with the same origin of medicine and food.

(both food and food approved by the state

It also has medicinal properties and zero toxic grade safe ingredients)

Dietotherapy is better than medicine and is suitable for long-term drinking.

A custom-made tea for women.

Take out a bag and put it in a cup.

The moment of brewing in boiling water

There is a faint scent of plants.

Amber tea

As time goes on, it deepens.

Take a sip, there is no bitterness.

There is a pure natural grass fragrance.

And a hint of tree fragrance.

It's mellow, kind of like Shupu.

Then there will be a hint of sweetness at the root of the tongue.

Take a light breath

There is no turbid gas in the nasal cavity.

It's like taking a moment to breathe in nature.

The fragrance changes from deep to shallow.

I can't help taking another sip.

It tastes good!

Different from ordinary beauty tea, it is dry and light.

It is incomparable to the bitterness of traditional Chinese medicine.

This ensures that the most important thing for internal blending

-- "long-term" and "consistency".

It is really tailor-made for women.

Good skin care products.

Skin care for 3 years is better than skin care for 30 days.

A week later,

You are used to making a cup of "white soup" after work.

I like the smell, too.

Inadvertently found that constipation seemed to be alleviated.

Don't be irritable, feel relaxed and relaxed.

Two weeks time

The dull and yellowish skin of the past began to shine

Colleagues come over to chat with you.

Hi! Beauty

You look good these days. How does it moisten?

Three weeks later,

Found that the complexion has become a little whiter.

The skin is moist and delicate.

A little excited, determined to drink it.

See what happens next.

A month passed quickly.

The plaques are much lighter.

The face becomes clean and transparent.

The body feels better, too.

A white cover a hundred ugliness

When the skin is white, it is more stylish to wear clothes and accessories.

National intellectual property protection brand

"Yangbai Tang" was briefly sold on the market ten years ago, and the market reaction was extremely hot. Due to the lack of market experience and weak awareness of brand protection, so often out of stock caused by fake "Yangbai soup" flooded the market, true and false. In order to protect the ancient side and be responsible for the consumers, it decided to stop the preparation production and withdraw from the market.

Until he successfully applied for the registration of the "black to white" trademark and enjoyed the protection of national knowledge products, he re-selected a production enterprise with formal qualifications and legal and complete procedures to cooperate, and sent special personnel to supervise the preparation and production.

Black turns white. Yangbai decoction-- the first decoction of Nourishing and Nourishing

Conscience quality, people-friendly price

It is worthy of your rest assured experience!