
What should we pay attention to after cultivating Tremella fuciformis?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What should we pay attention to after cultivating Tremella fuciformis? Please introduce the following points to pay attention to after the cultivation of Tremella fuciformis: expand the hole and increase oxygen: cut off the film about 1 cm along the edge of the ear hole with a blade to enlarge the hole mouth and increase the oxygen in the bag. Spray humidification: spray water on the newspaper twice a day in the ear stage.

What should we pay attention to after cultivating Tremella fuciformis? Please introduce the following points to pay attention to after the cultivation of Tremella fuciformis: expand the acupoint and increase oxygen: cut off the film about 1 cm along the edge of the ear hole with a blade, expand the hole mouth and increase the oxygen in the bag. Spray humidification: spray water on the covered newspaper twice a day in the ear stage, often keep the newspaper moist. When the fruiting body grows to 3 cm, in order to avoid rotten ears, take off the covered newspaper, put it in the sun for one day, and then take it back for use, every 3 times should be carried out every 5 days, every time the newspaper should be removed 12 hours, let the fruit body contact with oxygen, and then cover, continue to spray moisturizing. Young ear stage spray more water, the weather should be wet less spray, more ventilation; fruiting body growth in the middle; more water absorption, sunny and dry weather, should spray less ventilation. Pay attention to ventilation: Tremella fuciformis fruit body up to 24 ℃ 29 days is the strongest vitality stage, the bag temperature is higher, if the room temperature is more than 27 ℃, should open doors and windows all day, long-time ventilation, and cooperate with water spray management to prevent dryness after ventilation. Stop spraying to be collected: about 30 days after inoculation, the fruiting body has grown to about 12 centimeters. You should stop spraying water to the newspaper to prevent the earpiece from getting too wet and moldy. After stopping wetting for 7 days, the ear piece thickened and transferred to the harvest period. Harvest and processing: Tremella fuciformis from inoculation to harvest, the whole process is generally 35mur40 days, but the harvest can be extended by 5 days in case of overcast and rainy days. Mature Tremella, white and crystal clear, shaped like a peony, as big as a jade bowl, the ear pieces are stretched and elastic, usually up to 15 mi 20 cm in diameter and 150 mi 200 g fresh weight. Click to get more cultivation techniques of Tremella fuciformis