
What harm does pepper anthracnose have?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What harm does pepper anthracnose have? How to prevent and cure anthracnose of pepper? Also ask netizens to help introduce the harm and control methods of pepper anthracnose, the following farming network sorted out for your reference. The harm of pepper anthracnose: black anthracnose mostly occurs on pepper fruits and leaves, especially mature fruits and.

What harm does pepper anthracnose have? How to prevent and cure anthracnose of pepper? Also ask netizens to help introduce the harm and control methods of pepper anthracnose, the following farming network sorted out for your reference. The harm of pepper anthracnose: black anthracnose mostly occurs in pepper fruits and leaves, especially mature fruits and old leaves are most likely to occur. The disease spot on the fruit is brown and water-stained, and the enlarged depression shows an irregular, slightly raised concentric ring. The numerous black grains on the disease spot are the conidia of the pathogen. There is a moist discoloration ring around the lesion. The diseased fruit is hung from the branches when it is dry. The disease spot on the leaf is irregular, the edge is brown and the middle is gray. Red anthracnose occurs mostly on young and mature fruits. The disease spot is yellowish brown and watery, sunken. There are dense scarlet dots on the plaque, which are arranged in a concentric ring slightly, and the whole plaque surface overflows with reddish sticky substance when it is wet. Incidence rate of anthracnose in pepper: anthracnose develops most rapidly when it is hot and humid, and often causes a large number of diseases in fruits within 1-2 days. Any factor that damages the fruit during storage and transportation is conducive to the occurrence of the disease, and the more mature the fruit is, the more susceptible it is to the disease. When continuous cropping is too close planting and partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, the disease is more serious. In the harvest period, the disease is more serious in autumn rain, and it is easy to occur in the sunburn part of pepper. The control methods of pepper anthracnose are as follows: 1. Select the disease-free fruit, remove the diseased plant and fruit after harvest, and rotate the seedlings and fields for 2-3 years. 2. Improve cultivation and management measures, properly close planting, planting 4000-5000 holes per mu, 2 plants per hole, applying sufficient base fertilizer, planting before Grain Rain, paying attention to mid-ploughing and weeding, clearing ditches and drainage after planting, avoiding partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, and properly increasing phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, in order to promote plant growth and enhance plant disease resistance. 3. Collect and burn diseased fruits and leaves, and dig deep into the soil in time after harvest. 4. Seeds should be soaked in 55 ℃ warm water for 10 minutes, dried and sowed with plant ash. 5. During the fruit period, Bordeaux solution of 1-100 Bordeaux can be sprayed continuously for 2-3 times when the disease first occurs, and once every 7-10 days. It can also use 1000-fold solution of 402antimicrobial agent and 800-1000-fold solution of ammonium benzoate, etc. 6. Do a good job in disease prevention during storage and transportation, pack carefully, avoid damage during handling, adjust temperature and humidity during storage, and low temperature cold storage can reduce loss. Click to get more chili planting techniques click to get more vegetable planting techniques