
Do you use Rain Water or tap water to grow and water flowers? after listening to the expert, I found that I had watered it wrong.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Flower cultivation pays attention to 3% fertilizer and 7% water. When watering is done, flowers will naturally grow well. As far as watering flowers is concerned, many flower lovers have summed up a lot of experience. For example, watering should be "dry and wet", "dry and thoroughly", and watering flowers in the morning and evening.

Flowering pay attention to three points of fertilizer seven points of water, watering well, flowers naturally grow well. As far as watering flowers is concerned, many flower friends have summed up a lot of experience. For example, watering should be "dry and wet","dry and thoroughly watered", watering flowers in the morning and evening can be done, but not at noon, there are some watering tips, such as rice watering flowers, washing vegetables watering flowers and so on.

Speaking of which, there is actually another point that flower friends may have forgotten, that is, what kind of water to grow flowers is better? Tap water, rain water or pond water? Next, we simply analyze the characteristics of these several kinds of watering water, and we should know how to raise flowers.

1. Pay attention to watering flowers with tap water

Watering flowers with tap water is OK. I believe most of my friends use tap water. Perhaps, you don't know, tap water contains chlorine, which is not conducive to the growth of flowers. Before use, tap water is best left to stand for a day or exposed to the sun for an hour or two to remove some chlorine. Avoid affecting the normal growth of flowering plants.

2. Pay attention to watering flowers with rain

Rain water is much better than tap water in most flowering waters. As the saying goes, rain is rootless water, other things are not so mysterious, rain is nature absorbed water from rivers, lakes and seas and then fell down. Its composition contains a lot of trace elements, and there is no impurity, which is more conducive to the rooting and germination of flowers. Rainwater is not very easy to collect, not as convenient as tap water, but for flower friends, it is best to store some when it rains!

3. Pay attention to pond watering flowers

Pond water, also known as pit water, this water is mostly "living water", although more impurities, but it contains a lot of nutrients and microorganisms, can promote the activity of plant roots. Before watering flowers with pond water, impurities should be removed first. The specific operation can be filled with pond water in a mineral bottle, then add alum, stir and stand for 20 minutes, and impurities will precipitate. The filtered liquid can be used for watering and cultivating flowers.

To sum up, the priority order of flower cultivation and watering is pond water> rainwater> tap water.

The knowledge of watering water is shared here. Thank you for reading!

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