
Sweet potato planting: when will sweet potatoes be harvested?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When will the sweet potatoes be put away? Please give detailed guidance on the harvest time of sweet potatoes can be determined with reference to the following methods: 1, can be harvested according to the ground temperature. When the soil temperature is about 18 ℃, the weight of sweet potato increases little; when the ground temperature is about 15 ℃, the sweet potato stops expanding; when the ground temperature is below 9 ℃ for a long time, cold occurs.

When will the sweet potatoes be put away? Please give detailed guidance on the harvest time of sweet potatoes can be determined with reference to the following methods: 1, can be harvested according to the ground temperature. When the ground temperature is about 18 ℃, the weight of sweet potato increases little; when the ground temperature is about 15 ℃, the sweet potato stops expanding; when the ground temperature is below 9 ℃ for a long time, chilling injury will occur. Therefore, sweet potatoes are generally harvested when the ground temperature is 18 ℃ and finished before dry frost. Spring sweet potatoes for dry cutting or winter wheat for stubble are generally harvested in front of Cold Dew, summer sweet potatoes for seed use are harvested in front of Frosts Descent, and sweet potatoes for storage and consumption are harvested later, but they must be harvested before frost. 2. Harvest according to the dry and wet soil. Too dry or too wet soil is disadvantageous to sweet potato harvest. When the soil is too dry, the soil water content decreases and the soil temperature changes greatly, so the sweet potato is vulnerable to cold damage and is not easy to harvest. Too wet, too much soil water content, sweet potato is not only not easy to harvest, but also has high water content and is not resistant to storage after harvest. When the soil is too wet, you should first cut off the sweet potato stems, bask in the sun for a few days, and wait for the soil to dry before harvesting. 3. Harvest according to whether the seed is left or not. Summer sweet potatoes for seed use should be harvested in the morning on a sunny day, bask in the field, enter the cellar in the afternoon, and do not spend the night in the field to avoid cold damage. 4. Store according to the use. After the sweet potato is harvested and planed, the sweet potato can be selected in the field, the sick, residual and water-stained potato pieces can be removed and stored according to different uses and varieties. From harvesting to storage, to reduce the number of tipping as far as possible, and pay attention to light handling, light handling, light transportation, so as not to damage the potato skin. Click to get more sweet potato planting techniques click to get more vegetable planting techniques