
Peanut planting technology: how to manage summer sowing peanuts?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to manage summer sowing peanuts? Please give guidance to summer sowing peanuts can refer to the following methods for management: 1, check seedlings to reseed and sow in time to find out the situation of seedlings, if you find that there is a lack of seedlings, you should prompt seedlings and replanting in time. 2, middle ploughing peanut seedling stage should combine middle ploughing to clear barley, generally can use small hoe to handle peanut seedling base.

How to manage summer sowing peanuts? Please give guidance to summer sowing peanuts can refer to the following methods for management: 1, check seedlings to reseed and sow in time to find out the situation of seedlings, if you find that there is a lack of seedlings, you should prompt seedlings and replanting in time. 2. Middle-tillage peanut seedlings should be combined with middle-tillage to clear barley. Generally, a small hoe can be used to dig up the soil around the base of peanut seedlings to form a "small nest", so that the lateral buds between the two cotyledons and leaf axils can be exposed to the ground, and weeding can be carried out in combination with mid-tillage. 3. Drought watering and waterlogging peanuts can be watered in combination with sprinkler irrigation to avoid soil consolidation. If Rain Water is too much, the soil moisture is high and the ground temperature is low, which will affect pods, cause rotten fruits, and reduce yield and quality. therefore, drainage and waterlogging prevention should be carried out in time. 4. if grubs, mole crickets and golden needles are found, they can be controlled by poisonous soil, poison valley, etc., or they can be irrigated with 1500 times of phoxim, and aphids can be sprayed with dimethoate or phoxim 1500-2000 times. Peanuts are most likely to be infected with leaf spot and rust in the middle and later stages. Leaf spot is sprayed with 1000 times of thiophanate per mu (70,80kg) or carbendazim (800kg / mu). At the initial stage of the onset of rust, it can be sprayed with 30ml / mu of 20% trimethoprim EC. 5. extra-root topdressing to prevent premature senility in the late growth stage, the root absorption capacity is weakened, the leaf absorption capacity is still strong, such as insufficient nutrient supply, the top leaves are easy to fall off, and the stems and leaves withered prematurely. At this time, 0.2%-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution or 0.3%-0.4% urea and calcium superphosphate mixture should be sprayed twice in time to prolong the functional period of leaves and prevent premature senescence. Increase the fullness rate. 6. timely chemical control after the full bloom of peanuts, use 15% paclobutrazol 20g / mu or zhuangsu water agent 10ml / mu, spray 45kg of water. During chemical adjustment, attention should be paid to the trend of prosperous growth, high planting density, fertile soil, high level of fertilization and more overcast and rainy weather, and vice versa. When dispensing medicine, it is required to stir evenly and spray with it, and the atomization effect is better, so as to prevent the local spraying concentration from being too high, causing drug damage and affecting the output. 7. in general, when the peanut enters the late fruiting stage, most of the nutrients in the plant have been transported to the pod, when the plant is in a state of senescence, the top stops growing, the remaining leaves on the stem turn yellow, the leaves of the base and middle fall off, most of the pods are hardened, the reticulation is clear, the kernel is full, the seed coat becomes thinner, and the grain shows the color of the original variety. Click to get more peanut planting techniques click to get more food crop planting techniques