
Do you like to attract mosquitoes when you grow flowers? Add it, mosquitoes smell and run around!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Huahua went around the small garden in the evening and was bitten by mosquitoes for several bags in half an hour, not to mention all kinds of bugs. It makes people crazy! So, for flower friends' homes, there are often all kinds of mosquitoes, today Huahua will teach you a few good ways to kill them thoroughly, so that mosquitoes never dare to enter the house again!

Spray some peppermint and all the aphids will die!

Every time I see aphids in my house, Huahua always feels goosebumps. Some flower friends always feel that aphids do not die no matter how they are killed. What should we do? Try peppermint spray!

How to use:

1. If you have mint flower friends at home, you can pick a handful of mint leaves, chop them up and squeeze them to get mint juice.

2. Find a clean bottle, add about 10 drops of mint juice, 10ml of medicinal alcohol, and finally add 500ml of water and stir well. (500ml of water, which is about the amount of water in a standard mineral water bottle)

3. Spray the mint alcohol solution directly on the plants with aphids. Remember to spray both sides. Use it once a week to kill aphids!

If there is no fresh mint at home, the same effect can be achieved with mint essential oil. Because mint contains insecticidal ingredients, and medical alcohol can destroy the body structure of aphids, so the effect of killing aphids is good.

Put a coin in a plastic bag and the flies will never come in again!

Huahua passed by the community a few days ago and saw many neighbors hanging a plastic bag on the windowsill. From a distance, it flashed. What was going on? Later, I found out that it was to prevent flies!

How to use:

1, prepare a clean leakproof plastic bag, plastic gloves can also be filled with water in the plastic bag.

2, after preparing 3-5 clean coins, a dollar coin can be directly thrown into a plastic bag filled with water.

3. Tie the plastic bag tightly and hang it directly by the window to prevent flies from entering the door!

Why does a coin plus water stop flies from entering the door? Because flies are compound eyes, filled with water and coins plastic bags will scatter light, we look fine, but flies will feel very scary, so it dare not fly towards the window, also can not enter the house! Friends can try it!

Spray some onion water and the spider will be gone!

What is the hardest bug to kill? That must be Starscream! Killing and popping up again and again was simply annoying! Summer is coming, so try onions!

How to use:

1. Buy a fresh onion from the supermarket, then chop the onion, and mash it if you have the condition. If you're worried about burning your eyes when you chop onions, you can chop them in water.

2, onion and water according to the ratio of 1:50 into a solution, put in a container about soaking for more than 24 hours, let onion fully soaked in water.

3. After soaking for 24 hours, filter out the onion residue and spray the onion water directly on the plant. Remember to spray both sides. It only takes 3-5 times to make the red spider disappear completely!

4, onion has a strong spicy smell, for red spiders, can achieve a good drive effect, remember to spray many times, the effect is the best.

Raising mosquito repellent plants in pots scares away mosquitoes!

The most annoying thing about summer is definitely the endless stream of mosquitoes! But many flower friends don't want to take medicine at home. What should we do? Huahua today teach everyone to raise a few pots of mosquito repellent plants bar!

How to use:

1. Mosquito repellent grass

To repel mosquitoes, mosquito repellent grass is the first choice. Because the smell of mosquito repellent grass contains citronellal, this substance in the higher the temperature, the more intense the smell, the stronger the mosquito repellent effect. Basically put 1-2 pots in each room on the line.

2. Evening primrose

After evening primrose blossoms, the smell is very strong, as long as a pot is placed by the window, mosquitoes dare not approach all night. But evening primrose flavor is too heavy, had better still put on the balcony or ventilated window, if put in the bedroom, may cause insomnia oh!

3 and 18.

There are eighteen flowers in the house, so don't waste them. After drying the wormwood, put it directly in the pot and boil it, so that the smell spreads throughout the room, or put the wormwood water in a watering can and spray it on the plants, basically you can drive away mosquitoes!

Spray some essential oil + toilet water, small moths all run light!

Summer is easy to recruit small moths, especially flower friends, often recruit some moth butterfly larvae, at this time we need essential oil and toilet water out!

How to use:

1. Prepare a clean bottle, add about 5-10 drops of essential balm, and then add 5-10 drops of toilet water.

2. Finally, add 600-800 times of water to the bottle, mix the two solutions evenly, and spray them directly on the plants in a watering can!

3, wind oil and toilet water mixed together, not only can play a powerful mosquito repellent effect, but also for those moth butterfly larvae, insecticidal effect super good! You might want to try it!

Sprinkle some ash on the surface of the basin, and the snails will scare away!

In recent days continuous heavy rain, so many flower friends home appeared snails, especially those with small garden flower friends, yard is more snail flooding!

How to use:

1. Sprinkle lime

Snails are afraid of flooding, so snails basically climb out after rain. So we can usually sprinkle a layer of lime on the surface of the basin soil. If the snail accidentally touches lime, it will lose water and die. Over time, the flowers at home will be free from snails. But be careful not to sprinkle lime on the leaves.

2. Sprinkle some plant ash

In the evening, dry plant ash will be directly scattered on the stems and leaves of flowers, you can choose to spray water on the leaves, so that snails will not climb to the flowers to nibble!

3. Sprinkle some broken eggshells

After the eggs at home were crushed, they were thrown directly onto the surface of the basin. Because the edges of the egg shell are sharp, the snail will scratch its skin when climbing from the egg shell, so that it will never climb to the flowerpot again!

Spray pepper + chili water, Xiaohefei all escape!

Speaking of Little Blackfly, it must be the pain in the heart of the flower grower. No matter how hard he tried to kill it, he couldn't kill it. After a while, it appeared again! Don't be afraid, today Huahua will teach everyone to kill Xiaohefei with pepper and pepper, leaving no future trouble!

How to use:

1. For flower friends who have pepper at home, grab a handful of pepper, put it in a pot, and then add 3 times of water to boil.

2. Buy some fresh peppers in the market, put about 5 on the line, then throw them directly into the pot and cook them together with pepper for about half an hour. If it's too much trouble, you can squeeze the pepper into juice before using it.

3. Filter out the pepper and pepper with a filter screen, mix the remaining pepper and pepper solution with water 10 times, spray directly on the leaves, spray about 3-5 times continuously, and you can completely kill all the small black flies and small black insect eggs!

That's all for Huahua today!

What other good ways to kill insects are there, flower friends?

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